Interesting stuff, to say the least. The Upmap key locks onto the ECU serial number.
But, none of that matters if it's being tuned.
If ECU is re-flashed, all that is necessary is to figure out which of the three sets of tables is being used.
If the bike has either of the DP systems, you can start with the assumption that the Upmap key has selected the appropriate set. Then, you make a drastic change in one of the tables (usually, one of the Alpha/N tables at lower RPM and low throttle position) flash it, and check if it's correct. You'll see a rich or lean condition (depending on which way you went) at the TP and RPM you made the change, and if you don't, you have to do the same to another Alpha/N table in another set of tables.
Once you've ascertained which set of tables the bike is using, you tune that set of tables. Once that is done, you can copy the tables to all three, sets and the result will be the same no matter which Upmap key is used.
So, for the Akro, it doesn't matter which Upmap has been applied, that set of tables is what you adjust. If other ignition tables are used for (f'rinstance) the Full System tables set, you can copy those tables into the set you are using (assuming that they are even correct for the Full system) and/or do the ignition timing adjustments.
Once you can access the software, the rest of this discussion is academic.