Ducati tax? Probably that production is set up for finishing primarily in gloss and demand for matt is very small.
What I like about forged aluminium alloy is peace of mind, you get 90% of the performance stock for example without spending money or adding the risk factor that goes with high modulus materials. A practical example, about 2 years ago I was in a gas station waiting for a friend when he turned up oblivious his back wheel was on fire with burning brake fluid everywhere! After people came rushing over to help with fire extinguishers etc and got it out we worked out that there was a fault in system that had caused his brake to drag for about 10 miles. It didn't feel like much so he carried on knowing we were stopping soon and then have a look. The wheel was burning hot, particularly the hub with the disc almost glowing- I am sure that if it was carbon there would have been a wheel failure and it was high speed ride.