The solder on the connector that plugs on the TPS? I see is kind of sealed, any recommendations to seal it back in case I open it to check the connector solder?So the ground wire in that mess is shared. It is a solder-less crimp inside the wire loom. It is not very well done. I would investigate there. I have seen this ground junction where a ground wire is literally holding on by a single strand. Or just go the easy route and get another airbox harness. Time is $$
Do you still have a new OEM harness you can sell?The mill spec airbox harness runs about $225 so if you end up finding issues with your harness I can set you up with a mill spec or can send you a oem stock airbox harness that is new no issues for like $40
Do you still have a new OEM harness you can sell?
Thanks! PM sent, so just as update, no errors on the bike so far, however idle still likes to die after a long compression on down hill to a stop. I'm thinking on getting spark plugs also, might still be using the factory ones as the bike is almost 15k.
So I installed the new harness, and maybe due to moving cables around I made something worst. Here is what is happening:
Each time I connect the top V injector, the TPS associated with it will not start, it will now throw the error right away, and will not operate, I connected the Vertical cables to the Horizontal Throttle body and this will not start, so it looks like is not an issue with an specific TPS. If I disconnect the top V injector and turn the key to on, the tps associated will start and operate normally.
Important to mention that the issue is when I connect the top v injector cable, regardless of which actual injector I connect, so is not the injector. Also injector ports look very clean.
So can't ride anymore, tried rolling back to the old harness, same issue. Any ideas where to check next?
I really appreciate your help!
Haven't touched the throttle or add spacers, I also tested it with melcodiag to check it operates smoothly from 0 to 100 on all points and looks fine, stays at 0 as well with untouched.Hey man did you have your throttle apart or add spacers recently? I would be looking at the throttle housing next. The 99's reset TPS when ignition is on each time. If the throttle is not going to close all the way or is sticking it will cause TPS errors and won't start.