I would of thought the first thing to learn here is the difference between dry and wet weight?
Dry weight is very creative - no fluids, no battery and no "whatever you choose to not have".
Wet weight is also creative - with some fluids, maybe LiON battery etc.
But we are talking about European Directive 93/93/EC (link):
1) Copy/paste from Ducati V4 owners manual:
Overall weight (in running order with 90% of fuel - 93/93/EC): 198 kg (436.5 lb).
2) And this 93/93/EC directive says:
mass in running order
means the unladen mass to which the mass of the following components is added:
— fuel: tank filled to at least 90 % of the capacity stated by the manufacturer,
— additional equipment normally supplied by the manufacturer in addition to that needed for normal operation ( tool kit, luggage carrier, windscreen, protective equipment, etc).
Edit: forgot to add definition of unladen mass in this directive:
unladen mass
means the mass of vehicle ready for normal use and equipped as follows:
— additional equipment required solely for the normal use under consideration,
— complete electrical equipment, including the lighting an light-signalling devices supplied by
the manufacturer,
— instruments and devices required by the laws under which the unladen mass of the vehicle
has been measured,
— the appropriate amounts of liquids in order to ensure the proper operation of all parts of
the vehicle.
So I have 100% stock bike with +11kg additional weight.
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