The man is a war criminal. And then after causing all that chaos in the Middle East (with the US) he has the nerve to become a peace envoy to the Middle East. You couldn’t make it up… Bringing this stuff up is pretty much ‘whataboutism’ though and doesn’t justify or excuse what’s happening.
In all of these situations I blame the aggressor - Blair and the US in Iraq, Cameron off to Libya to ruin the place and remove Gadaffi, and Putin invading Ukraine (and meddling in loads of other places). I don’t care if it’s the East or West, ‘democracies’ or whatever. It goes on and on and on… How many days of peace in the last 2,000 years? Three? Four? What an utterly hopeless species.
Underlying all of this, and what most of these conversations ignore, are real people and families who simply want to live their lives. Ukrainians are no more inherently corrupt than anyone else - they simply had the misfortune to be born into a corrupt system in which they need to survive. You play the hand you are dealt. They deserve a new deck.
It’s easy to judge from the comfort of where we happen to have been born, but most people have simple needs for their lives and if they earn enough through honest means to pay their bills and raise their families then they generally don’t feel the need to do anything beyond that. Keep people down and you get corruption through necessity (rather than corruption through greed).