Whenever I drop in to my local BMW/Ducati/MotoMorini/MVAgusta dealership, someone is always at the Sales desk filling out paperwork, and the Service area seems to be kept hopping. So, the local sales part of the business seems to be pretty healthy. As for the Parent company's financial situation back home, I'm not so sure. Panibadboy has it pretty much nailed about the Business environment in Europe, though. The Japanese bike manufacturers are taking a hit as well. Sales are down for everyone, thanks to all the stupid oil sanctions and politics currently going on. Harley may go into bankruptcy again, for the ???th time? And then there's the 'renewables' foolishness they keep trying to foist on us. People buy the electrics, but not a s a first choice, and I expect THAT silly notion to soon be put to bed, hopefully with a wooden stake through it's heart.
Just proves the age old adage. Go Woke, Go Broke. Motorcycles are for MEN. . and REAL Women... not for wannabes. And MEN and WOMEN don't tolerate weak kneed linguini spined, simpering, whimpering, faked out beyond belief, nose ringed, dermal pierced, blue/red/orange/green haired .... 'persons' with 18 pronouns trying to run the World. We really don't. Wannabes stay home, stop screwing around with reality.
And FWIW, the Vasectomy rate in Blue states has jumped 18 times normal, and the requests by women to have their tubes tied has also skyrocketed, because they fear the inability to terminate their unborn on demand. Juries out on if that is a good or bad thing.