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  1. B

    Please Help - Engine Serial Number

    Dear All, Please help, I cannot find the location of the Engine Serial Number. It is normally imprinted on the Engine Block somewhere.... Where I live the DMV require that number to register the Bike. IT is not the VIN/Frame number which is on the front of the bike, it must be on the...
  2. PaddockStand

    GB Racing Engine Covers

    Fitted GB Racing engine covers while I had the farings off to do the rad guard. Had my paint shop mix up some paint to (almost) match the satin gold that Ducati use. From my experience these are the best engine covers you can buy and are FIM approved. However, they don't look so good in the...
  3. M

    overfill engine oil after the first service

    Hello Everyone, I'm new to the forum and i have a Panigale s.The dealership that i picked up my bike from performed the break in on the dyne and the first service at 97 miles.Yesterday right after riding for the first time i noticed a leak coming front the bottom that looked like oil or...

    Engine Breaking or Trail Breaking..?

    I love engine braking when riding aggressively, I feel more stable and precise with my entry speed on corners. I even prefer my traction set around 1 or 2 to allow my rear to slide while down shifting before corners..(engine braking set to off). A little side note, yes TC intrudes not only...
  5. Y

    Engine Run-in debate

    It always amazes me how lay people debate the designing engineers regarding breaking in a new motor. Every motorcycle that I've ever owned clearly indicated in the owners manual not to over rev the motor for the first several hundred miles. Yet, even the dealer who sold me my 1199 recommended...
  6. U

    close up of the engine

    Panigale sleeve removal - YouTube
  7. B

    1198 vs 1199 engine

    Is it me,..... reading between the lines of some of these reviews (alan cathcart/ben cope)....that the new engine hasn't got the punch of the 1198 off the bottom end.
  8. duc

    Ducati Superquadro Motor in 3D Pictures and Video

    Ducati Superquadro Motor in 3D
  9. B

    sweet sound Ducati 1199 engine video

    WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Ducati 1199 Panigale Engine Sound - YouTube sounds good.:eek:
  10. L

    New Engine Characteristics...

    Okay...I love my Ducati's in so many ways...but I don't really don't love, how should I say this, riding a paint shaker from 2K-4.5K rpms.... My mirrors are pretty much useless on my 1098S, but the vibration renders them totally useless... My question-Will the new 1199 engine design...
  11. duc

    Ducati Superquadro Engine Video

    What do you think of the new Ducati Superquadro engine? I can't wait to hear the 1199 in person!
  12. duc

    Ducati engineers created a new transmission for the 1199

    Ducati 1199 New transmission Ducati’s engineers also capitalized on the opportunity of the “blank canvas” project to increase dimension between the centres of the six-speed gearbox shafts, enabling larger diameter, stronger gears to transmit the enhanced power output. New for a...
  13. duc

    The 1199 is very Desmodromic dependent

    Ducati 1199 is very Desmo dependent With such an extreme engine, never before has Ducati's unique Desmodromic system been so vitally important. With the high engine speeds at which the Superquadro operates combined with such large valves, it would be impossible for the valve's rocker-arm to...
  14. duc

    Ducati 1199 Engine Architecture

    Ducati 1199 Engine architecture The cylinders, which remain at 90° to each other, have been rotated backwards around the crankcases by a further 6°, until the front cylinder is 21° from horizontal. This has enabled the engine to be positioned 32mm further forwards for improved front / rear...
  15. duc

    Ducati 1199 Engine Dimensions

    Ducati 1199 Extreme Dimensions The new bore and stroke ratio of 1.84:1 effectively increases rpm with the ultra-short stroke of the crankshaft and increases the cylinder area to enable increased valves diameters. Inlet valves have increased from 43.5 to 46.8mm and exhaust valves from 34.5 to...