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  1. S

    Changed Helmet, Engine Sound !!!!!

    First time out today with new Shoei GT Air, changed from Arai Viper GT. First impressions of Shoei are good and i was glad to have a clear visor, with Pinlock, after getting caught in very heavy rain. GT Air has a drop down internal visor. The Shoei is much quieter than Arai, but i noticed...
  2. S

    Engine Check can't start engine:-(

    Hi brother! Can you help me? My bike can't start engine, what is that problem brother? In my country haven't service check or maintains for Ducati. So I need your help so much.
  3. PP1098

    Too much engine oil??

    Dears, I ve been having engine oil leaks since day1 basically and after fixing the oil pan and tightening the valve cover bolts I have new one now 'somewhere in the engine'. I always have engine oil above the max level. Reason being if it burns oil I wont be stuck somewhere with my oil...
  4. V

    Fork seals blown, engine oil leak

    .... yeah! Now would you go to Pro Italia, or Southern California Motorcycle for service. I bought it at Bert's brand new in July. They did the 1st service at 621 miles and I ain't going back there. Bikes been good till now, just turned 1800 miles.
  5. kope999R

    !! engine hanging loose in frame !!

    i m not the easily intimidated or discontented guy, but whilst disassembling the bike to do the engine job, it was found that the nuts holding the bolt the engine hangs on the frame with, had rattled loose from those bolts and were floating in the airbox. there is nothing holding them back from...
  6. F

    Engine temperatures

    What engine temperatures are you guys registering when riding in cold weather? I was riding (cruising at highway speeds) recently in temperatures around 45-55 degrees F, and my engine temperature was around 145-147 F (never went below 145). When the air temperature rose to around 60 F, the...
  7. M

    Engine Oil Mesh Filter

    Per the service manual - every two oil changes clean the oil pickup gauze filter (15,000 miles/24,000km). For those that have performed this maintenance did you find the mesh filter dirty or do you feel the interval could be extended?
  8. D

    unexpected engine failure

    Hi guys, i am having a problem with my bike. While i am riding and i am going through the process of swifting down gears in order to stop in traffic lights or park my engines switches off... meaning my bike is on but the engines stops. It happened 3 times so far and i am still on my first...
  9. jimmymendoza

    Engine Blueprinted

    First and foremost, I would like thank the service department at Pro Italia! I took my Pani in for it's 7,500 mile service and told them about the common oil leak. I told them to take their time on it since I was going to be out of town for a few days. Got a call from them later that day saying...
  10. T

    Engine - occasional knock

    Lately I've heard an occasional engine noise that sound like a knock. Sound seems to come up from the front of the gas tank but that could be my helmet messing with my hearing. Best I can describe it would be gear backlash...like extra play with the clutch engaged. Holding the clutch down the...
  11. J

    Engine Ice vs. OEM Coolant

    Went for a ride last night with another Pani owner. On the way to the bike night stop, we were at a light and I looked over at his coolant temp gauge. He was running 216 F while I was running 198F, ambient was about 85 F. We had just ridden 15 miles right next to each other to that point. On...
  12. N3RB

    Engine light on

    So, rode home today from work. Did a baby burnout in front of some fine ladies while at a stop light. The bikes traction control kicked in and it hopped a little. Then, engine light came on. So, I'm freakin out! Anyone have the same issue? Or any solution to the problem? Cheers to the weekend
  13. Thamer

    Engine temp

    I've only had my R for a week, and I've noticed quite quickly that slow riding is not what the Paniagle likes. The average temp is about 205 to 215 Fahrenheit if going slower than 55 miles an hour. I live in upstate NY and it is quite cool. Are these engine temps normal?
  14. mark419ny

    Engine ice review and Lucas slick mist speed wax review

    So what did I do in VA with Gunny, Flobrandx, and Shawn? We worked on the Panis of course. I wanted to put in a radar detector and a stem mount and engine ice. Gunny wanted test his go pro and do some other work. i decided i dont need a mount and didnt attempt the radar. It was raining on...

    Has anyone messed with the Engine Braking Settings?

    I've heard hearsay and conjecture that switching into EBC mode 3 turns your Pani into a 250 with no engine braking at all. Anyone got first-hand experience? I might get into EBC 2 tomorrow playing around with stuff. I love the configurability of this bike! I pushed my dry suspension settings...
  16. kiwipani

    Loss of Engine Temp Reading

    Anyone out there experiencing the loss of the engine temp reading on the display followed by "ENGINE" idiot warning in red on display- also intermittent lumpy engine behavior? Base with no exhaust mods but latest remap when purchased new. Lasts a few minutes but often gives false temp readings...
  17. T

    Number of Engine turns/"squeeking sound" till it fire-up

    Just would like to check : For the start of the day when you thumb on the starter button, how many times or cycle does your superquadro "squeeks" before it fires up? For me,at 28degC ambient,with a new battery, it takes 2 "squeek". After 1 month (3 rides/week), it began to take 3...
  18. N3RB

    Average Engine Heat?

    My bike averages around the 200F area. no matter how cold or hot it is outside. Is this normal?
  19. CaliDuc

    Replacing the stock engine tubes

    In an effort to get better heat management I recently replaced my stock engine tubing with racing tubing. In my case I went with Samco RED tubing which is good for 163 Degrees ; Even though the bike easily gets over 200 degrees. Couple of observations, the bike's overall temperature appears...
  20. bronch

    Engine cutting off at 70mph

    I'm not sure this is the same thing as the stalling issue, since it doesn't happen at idle. It's also temporally associated with having my bike tuned, ECU remap for race mode, but sport mode left stock. Never had an issue beforehand. I was riding home afterwards, got on the freeway and...