'12 1199s Tricolore or '17 s1krr

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I can't stand the bmw for one reason only.... ridiculous headlights. That said, I wouldn't buy the same bike again after having sold one before, 1199 or 1299. To me, 1199 and 1299 are exactly the same bike since all I care about is looks. Dont care about the extra cc, tad bit more torque or any advancements in electronic aids. Given your two options, I'd say bmw since it is brand new n full warranty. Plus, it's a different bike for you. You've already experienced the Panigale.

Have you ridden the new 1299? I got on one tuesday and I thought the same thing you did. The bike feels entirely different from 12' 1199. Power delivery is incredibly smooth, and those electronic aids are actually massively helpful. The auto blip up/down w/ rev matching is just......hnnnnnggg
Wtf over??

nobody cares seriously. i did it and ended up better my entire bike is carbon i still have all the stock parts and my cost was the same as if i bought the tri as a tri and my fairings are carbon. i got the color scheme wanted i can make some money back selling the stock parts but guess what ill still take a bath if i sell it if you think the tri is anything special over an 1199s you are kidding yourself.

Was just about to text you to ask what you're talking about, and what set you off all of a sudden - However you made the choice to post this in the open so I figured why not?

Dude what the .... is wrong with you Mark? What brought on all of these words and the antagonistic tone man? Not for one second was I ever thinking of you when I wrote about anything to do with copied paint schemes! Matter of fact, I even forgot that you had a Tri job on the Carbon until you brought it up right here above! Not once was I referring to you about this , and you're absolutely right - I know damn well that any of my mods won't bring anything additional back to me in the long run , so no I'm not kidding myself whatsoever man. (What was it you said in another thread?) That I'm a bit too attached to my Tri or something of the sort - I honestly don't recall the exact words, but perhaps you're spot on regarding that as well Mark?

Why you would choose to call me out here is totally beyond me dude. I'm at a loss for words why you've taken this stance w me after everything I've done to assist you WAY back in the beginning when we first met here, took you to the AMA races, and did everything I could to help you obtain all the different motorcycle related accessories? Now I not only get the cold shoulder from you , but slammed in several posts here in the forum we both started together in so many years ago! I've always bitten my tongue Mark, yet seriously had your back when anyone had something adverse to say about you man. Like any true friend would.

So I say again with serious confusion "WTF OVER?"
LOL i could care less because i dont own the TC anymore but theres no way you can say people replicated the TC purely for the colors. I can guarantee you people replicated it because its a more expensive bike and pretty f@#*ing exclusive:D. I dont know what the 1199 TC were number wise but the 1098 TC was around 450 in north america. Maybe im just talking out of my ass and im the only guy that feels this way but i felt pretty honored to own a real 1098 TC. When i sold it, the buyer drove over 6 hours to get it and im sure he couldve easily bought a 1098s for $3-5k less and slapped on a chinese fairing kit if he just wanted the look.

I also sold the TC 2 years ago for $13,500, an 07 1098S could be had for easily $10k so the bike def is worth more whether or not you want to believe it

By your logic, my white Panigale should be worth more since it is more rare than the tricolore is. Does that mean it should be worth more than a tricolore? I don't think so.

Have you ridden the new 1299? I got on one tuesday and I thought the same thing you did. The bike feels entirely different from 12' 1199. Power delivery is incredibly smooth, and those electronic aids are actually massively helpful. The auto blip up/down w/ rev matching is just......hnnnnnggg

I have ridden ScrapperX's 1299 before he sold it for an R. Like I said....to me, it is the same exact bike as an 1199. Why? Because to me the only thing that matters is the look and it is an exactly the same bike as far as looks go. The extra cc, bit more low end torque and whatever else doesn't mean an ounce of .... TO ME. For me to spend this kind of money, I would not buy the exact same LOOKING bike twice. I would have to try a different LOOKING bike. Even if one was a 600cc SSSA Panigale and the other was a 1299. It is exactly the same bike TO ME. How the bike feels is completely irrelevant. Do you understand now?
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Understood Phil.

As stated. I have no clue what set him off.
There is nothing I dislike more than arguing w a friend man. Hurts.

Thats crazy you guys are friends in real life, going off of his animosity towards the TC i woulda thought you stole his wife or something like that.

By your logic, my white Panigale should be worth more since it is more rare than the tricolore is. Does that mean it should be worth more than a tricolore? I don't think so.

As a white 1199 owner too you'd better believe i think the white is worth more than a red:D. Not to start another .... storm but the white 1199 is where its at lol The TC still has the prestige over a white or red though.
Hi Panhandler
(Whoever ya are- just not familiar w most of the new guys here)

I remember the day we'll.
At the dealership I worked at for 5 years, selling more Ducatis for them in my 1st year than they had sold in 8 total yrs!! Needless to say I was "literally" surrounded by Ducatis of every series, model, and spent more time living than dream then anyone I know!

The day our Prep Dept rolled that White 1199 out onto the showroom to put in the vacant spot that I just created selling a red one - I recall how mesmorized I was by it very, very much !!! There is no doubt in my Marine Mind that was a (Excuse the Pun fellow 1199 riders) a SERIOUSLY hot ASS bike for sure!!! Tgerefore, I do find myself agreeing with you 99% for which the Tri is what I inevitably purchased as you can obviously tell. It just so happens that what I ended up paying for the Tri was so deep under cost that is what simply to hard to pass up such an opportunity - ya know what I mean Panhandler?
I still think the White Model is a HOT ASS bike!!

Of course that was way back when this was the 1199 Panigale Forum too. I can still recall many of the members we had here who are long gone now for one reason or another. Some, Good friggin Riddance IMHO , but then again that just me talking.
Understood Phil.

As stated. I have no clue what set him off.
There is nothing I dislike more than arguing w a friend man. Hurts.

nothing set me off gunny i was replying to a guys post about what bike he should get and i gave the OP my opinion on what a 2012 tricolore is worth.

not once in this post did i reference your bike. not once in this post did i reference you.

i did say who cares about who does what to THEIR bike. do you really care if someone does an r sl or tri wrap to their bike? guess what thats why i said nobody cares. the guy doing it doesnt care and the 99.9% of the general public will have no idea. if you took that personally i have no clue why.
Thats crazy you guys are friends in real life, going off of his animosity towards the TC i woulda thought you stole his wife or something like that.

As a white 1199 owner too you'd better believe i think the white is worth more than a red:D. Not to start another .... storm but the white 1199 is where its at lol The TC still has the prestige over a white or red though.

panhandler just so you know i HAVE A FULL CARBON TRI i am just realistic to what its worth.

no offense to anyone out there but lets be real everybody thinks they have the best bike and guess what i am no different there isnt a 1199 s or r out there that is better than mine.
I guess I'll throw in my 2 cents...

Having owned the Tri already, if it was me I'd go with the new BMW with a warranty. Why? Because I've already owned a Panigale and why not try something different.

Now as far as a bikes worth it all comes down to what the owner thinks it's worth. Of course it's usually worth less than what they'd like it to be. And to Mark's comments, you could make an S into a Tri for less if you just want the paint scheme and not pay for the Tri markup but there were a few items that were included with the Tri not on an S so it's not just a color change from S to Tri. Mark is correct that aftermarket parts do not factor into a bikes trade in or market value. But these additional parts do factor into a buyers consideration if they know what they are and can add some value and help the sale.

I just sold my Tri recently so I'm pretty aware of current market values. Did I get what I wanted out of it? No, but I didn't expect to.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and opinions.

I test rode a new BMW and loved it. Put a deposit down on a Motorsport premium s1000rr. But when it came down to it, I backed out of the deal. They are amazing bikes, but it just wasn't what I wanted.

I just picked this up two hours ago and am on my way home now....


I couldn't be happier. Would love to do a "tricolore" replica graphics kit on it. (I know some will hate that idea).

Got a smoking deal. Best price in the country by far.
Congrats and great choice! Buy and ride whatever makes you happy unless someone else is buying it then ride it anyway...

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