Anyone 'carry' when riding?

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how could you be a fan of EITHER PARTY?

both bought and paid for by plutocracy and global finance and both using "social" issues to distract sheeple from what they are really doing to populace (e.g. debt to gdp, fed reserve printing and zirp, 1% owning more each year, debt serfdom of middle classes, etc, etc, etc.)

god forbid the "gunslingers" wake up from their slumber and bother to carefully see into either party....


That is a another debate, but just know that I am not a fan of this administration...:rolleyes:
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although, founding fathers had diferences...I believe, at the end of the day, made decision for the good of the nation...but I'm not sure that is the case these days other than personal gains....
the reasons for regulation are at best disingenuous and the car analogy not applicable for too many obvious reasons...

do you realize that deaths by guns in the USSA is less than 1% of auto accidents or far less likely than having basic domestic accident. when a 4 year old cuts themselves you may want to consider "regulating" knives and scissors too; and boxcutters too since they are weapons of terrorists. oh and while we're at it, let's regulate pressure cookers, small metal objects and....Mahalo!

while my expectations of my fellow man's intelligence are quite low, I am assuming that majority here can read charts, right? I mean just based on dyno graph experience you all should be able to conclude from below* without scintilla of doubt that guns are not a serious issue and that this entire debate is about Gov trying to strip you of your liberty.







*note: gun related stats have gotten "safer" since 2007:


As I stated, I have no doubt that background checks wont reduce gun related crime, an if it did it would take generations. however arguing that you should not legislate something just bacuase it doesnt prevent a problem is in my opinion wrong. Should we legalize cocaine traffic just because laws dont prevent it? Should we allow ilegal immigrants enter the US just becuase they do it anyway?or drunkdriving because as you said, people drive drunk no matter what?
and by the way, there are many things that are regulated becuase of peligrosity. Sudafed is now regulated as it isd clearly used for ilegal purposes. talking about big pharma, FDA removes drugs from the market if itis even suspected that they can be harmful. If you talk about 4 year old kids and knifes, as you know, toys are heavily regulated in terms of size, shape and content. I am sure you are the first one that dont want your son/daughter swalloing lead. should you deregulate it??

I have to agree with mdracer about rights and privileges, in america those two things are clearly separated, in other countries like mine the line is fuzzier . however, As yongR said, the 2nd ammendment came to be for a specific reason in a particular time. now is applied indiscriminetaly and perhaps it shouldnt. we are ok with overwriting the 2nd ammendment when it come to arms in flights dont we? or you think that allowing guns in the planes would make flights safer?
anyway that is just my opinion and I dont vote so it doesnt count
good night genetlemen
I don't want to feel left out:

The gun control legislation, i.e. the background checks, and the magazine limits are the low hanging fruit. Politicians going after something they think will pass, so they can justify their existance and get re-elected, simple. And none of these things will do a thing to stop gun violence. I'd love to see a graph where a large magazine or an assault rifle was any percentage of violence. Plus, it is a lot hrder to defend the need for those, so ergo, low hanging fruit!
Funny to read some comments for sure.

When the Bomb went off in Boston...we say, "the Bomber!!!" and not he BOMB, but when some idiot shoots people, "outlaw the GUNS!!!" I thought that was funny.

For Americans, we know that our country is founded on compromises. Founding fathers of country had much differences and opinions. So, it is ok to have opinions and different view, not just this topic, but any others as well.

Having said that, our right to own "arms" is to protect ourselves against the Federal Government if Federal Government turned into an government we "the people" no longer can follow...example would be England, back then.

Then we can say, we need assault rifle? well, the point was to defend ourselves, which could be a tyrant government or other hostile people that are trying to harm you/property/family etc. So that can be matter of debate and differences of opinions.

I am 100% to having to have the right own guns but things like background check, mental checks, machine guns and etc, we the "people" should comprise and come to best solution for us all.

Total BS. A lot of people were concerned about the bomb; where they got the materials, how they learned to build it, etc. I think they got some of the gunpowder from fireworks. For ..... sake, even FIREWORKS ARE REGULATED! And anyone thinking they can overthrow a tyrannical government that has drones, nucular (thanks GWB!) weapons and all the intel they could ever need is just plain stupid. And I don't want stupid paranoid people hanging around my family with guns. How'd that Waco thing work out for you guys?
Fun thought I mentioned while conversing with some of my more intelligent friends (the ones thst vote individual politicians and not entire parties).

I said "so what happened with that budget crisis we're having?"

The gun debate is just smoke from a fire being fanned by people wanting to shift the heat from their own ass. Imo, there are bigger concerns than how many bullets are in my gun or whether I should own it.

All the pro-gun and anti-gun advocates here in the US will all be on same ship if it sinks. And while the rest of the world isn't in our boat, yalls float close enough to ours to be pulled down by the whirlpool if we go down. Bigger concern, yes?
Never saw a need for it. If I did I wouldn't carry it on my torso due to the possibility of crash injuries.

Same...I have a Permit To Carry (PTC- here in the Phils). Never seen the need to carry it...also scared for crash injuries too though...well thats just me. :D
While I am pro firearm I wouldn't carry on the bike, simply because if you go down and impact the gun under your leathers it's could break some bones or do some other serious bodily injury.. I also suppose, however remote of a chance it might be, that on something like a Glock pistol with no external safeties there COULD be a slight chance of the trigger snagging on something during the crash as well.. if you know guns you know stranger things have happened..
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While I am pro firearm I wouldn't carry on the bike, simply because if you go down and impact the gun under your leathers it's could break some bones or do some other serious bodily injury.. I also suppose, however remote of a chance it might be, that on something like a Glock pistol with no external safeties there COULD be a slight chance of the trigger snagging on something during the crash as well.. if you know guns you know stranger things have happened..

Freaky things do happen, but not likely and yes, I speak from great experience.:D

However, You do bring up a very good point about impact on the gun that can do some damage to body. Now that is more likely.
unfortunately, the Federal Gov has already mutated into one that "we the people" can no longer trust nor allow to represent us. the issue is that the sheeple are too busy watching Dancing With The Stars and getting bought out by big gov (ebt cards record use, etc.).

or maybe as collective we deserve it all - the sheeple win...

but if one can't back up their arguments with facts and data, then said person is defending merely feelings and opinions. the above data will make every anti-gun individual up in here feel even more irrational, knowingly or not, and their positions out of line and out of touch with reality; as such they will attack irrationally and/or ignore irrationally the facts and data and have scant concrete legit evidence of their own. it's almost impossible to deal with irrational opinions and feelings. we are screwed.

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