Funny to read some comments for sure.
When the Bomb went off in Boston...we say, "the Bomber!!!" and not he BOMB, but when some idiot shoots people, "outlaw the GUNS!!!" I thought that was funny.
For Americans, we know that our country is founded on compromises. Founding fathers of country had much differences and opinions. So, it is ok to have opinions and different view, not just this topic, but any others as well.
Having said that, our right to own "arms" is to protect ourselves against the Federal Government if Federal Government turned into an government we "the people" no longer can follow...example would be England, back then.
Then we can say, we need assault rifle? well, the point was to defend ourselves, which could be a tyrant government or other hostile people that are trying to harm you/property/family etc. So that can be matter of debate and differences of opinions.
I am 100% to having to have the right own guns but things like background check, mental checks, machine guns and etc, we the "people" should comprise and come to best solution for us all.