Driver swerves to hit motorcyclist for passing on double-yellow

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It hurts me that his girl was hurt too. My worst fear is that I'm doing something wrong on my bike and I end up hurting my lady in the process. My thoughts and prayers are for the rider as well as his lady.
at very least I see aggr assault with a deadly weapon... they wont get murder because murder is considered premeditated.. Attempted homicide would be a stretch... they would have to prove that he intended to kill them and not just injure which brings you back to assault.

of course the kid should and will be cited for a moving violation. of crossing the double yellows

i'll follow best I can and keep it moving!
The terminology in laws changes from state to state. "aggr assault with a deadly weapon" is a bunch of nice sounding legal jargon that may not apply in Texas.

Its a pipe dream to think the ....... is going to get any meaningful prison time.

With a lot of insurance policies intentional acts aren't covered, and if they're air lifting people to the hospital, they are probably going to max out his policy IF its covered, which could leave them with a lot of unpaid bills. Even if they end up having to go through the victim's insurance because of a policy exclusion, you run into the same problem of maxing out a policy real fast.

I'm sure they will sue, but I doubt an ....... in what's probably a 1997 Ford Thunderbird has plentiful financial resources.

There isn't going to be a happy ending or any satisfaction on this one.

Ride safe.
I merely quoted the terms given to me by a an officer in Lancaster texas as how he sees the video from an outsiders point of view...

you are correctly likelihood of any time is very rare..

they did not arrest him at the scene but prosecution is forthcoming from the latest update
Seen plenty of guys giving me the finger when passing them while they were going 20 miles below the speed limit.
I did pass an unmarked police car at a double yellow.
He stopped me and asked me whether I knew that this maneuver was illegal. When I answered yes he asked me why I did it then.
I told him that I assessed the situation and it looked like that I wasn't going to endanger myself or anyone around me by doing it.
He let me go without a ticket or warning.
I know we all do it but it can be done in a responsible manner.
Seen plenty of guys giving me the finger when passing them while they were going 20 miles below the speed limit.
I did pass an unmarked police car at a double yellow.
He stopped me and asked me whether I knew that this maneuver was illegal. When I answered yes he asked me why I did it then.
I told him that I assessed the situation and it looked like that I wasn't going to endanger myself or anyone around me by doing it.
He let me go without a ticket or warning.
I know we all do it but it can be done in a responsible manner.

Its amazing how people get angrey at you when they themselves are going under the speed limit...amazing.

If I am hauling something and going slower and someone passes me, I try to slow down slightly to give them a safer pass...

People are ass.

If that girl was wearing protective gears, she probable would've been better off. Looks like she just had a T shirt and jeans...
Man I hate when I see or hear about stuff like this,this is one of the reasons why I have absolutely no desire to ride in the street,the same kind of thing happened out by me where this guy in a car got upset when a guy on a bike passed him he chased the kid down on the bike ran into him ,dragged him & ran both him & the bike into the back of a parked car& killed him.I see guys all the time on the highway,Parkway ect, flying by me & going in & out of lanes when I see that I can't help but think what if someone like this old man did the same this day in age if u ride in the street both obeying traffic laws or not u have to take into consideration that u got sick people out there that would love nothing more to cause injury or death to a biker as crazy as this sounds sadly it is the truth
oh man, wild west here.... hope it turns out okay for the riders.

that old man - unfreakinbeleivable.

so now it's up to obama to ban cars, right?
For me what he did was attempted murder as he should have foreseen that his actions may cause the death of the two on the motorcycle - that is attempted murder... :eek:
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Mistaking the double yellow, for a passing zone, is not a reason for vigilante justice and attempted murder.

Press charges.

Lawyer up.

Million dollars easy. Any layer in town is going to want to take this one. Everyone knows that on a dead straight road, bikes can pass with ease. The bikers will have to pay a ticket for speeding, and crossing the double yellow, but that car driver's insurance is screwed. That rider won't have to work again for the rest of his life.
Mistaking the double yellow, for a passing zone, is not a reason for vigilante justice and attempted murder.

Press charges.

Lawyer up.

Million dollars easy. Any layer in town is going to want to take this one. Everyone knows that on a dead straight road, bikes can pass with ease. The bikers will have to pay a ticket for speeding, and crossing the double yellow, but that car driver's insurance is screwed. That rider won't have to work again for the rest of his life.

Wrong all over. This isn't a million dollar case. No way. Had he been just riding in a straight line and some dick swerves into him...not even then. When you engage in an illegal act you accept some level of responsibility for the outcome.

If you're going to say it was an intentional act, "vigilante justice and attempted murder", now its no longer an accident. Probably not going be covered by insurance, and you can't tell me that guy with the '97 t-bird is sitting on a pile of Texas oil money.

There will be no happy ending.
last accident i was involved in, (clear case, i got hit, other ran the light, plenty of witnesses) i called the first 5 lawyers, you know what they said?
"no open wounds, no broken bones, sorry, we can't help you."

i ended up with 1-800-motorcycle, they were great, but yeah, if i would have agreed to never ride any more, and go the "scared and psychologically damaged" route - even then, it might have only brought $30k max.

you know who gets the million bucks? the people who end up in wheelchairs, the ones with missing arms and legs or destroyed faces.
but none of that is worth a million bucks.
Wrong all over. This isn't a million dollar case. No way. Had he been just riding in a straight line and some dick swerves into him...not even then. When you engage in an illegal act you accept some level of responsibility for the outcome.

If you're going to say it was an intentional act, "vigilante justice and attempted murder", now its no longer an accident. Probably not going be covered by insurance, and you can't tell me that guy with the '97 t-bird is sitting on a pile of Texas oil money.

There will be no happy ending.

Are you kidding"¦.This is the same country that burglars sue the homeowner because they broke their leg climbing thru the kitchen window and win !


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