Seen plenty of guys giving me the finger when passing them while they were going 20 miles below the speed limit.
I did pass an unmarked police car at a double yellow.
He stopped me and asked me whether I knew that this maneuver was illegal. When I answered yes he asked me why I did it then.
I told him that I assessed the situation and it looked like that I wasn't going to endanger myself or anyone around me by doing it.
He let me go without a ticket or warning.
I know we all do it but it can be done in a responsible manner.
Americans are crazy.....
Mistaking the double yellow, for a passing zone, is not a reason for vigilante justice and attempted murder.
Press charges.
Lawyer up.
Million dollars easy. Any layer in town is going to want to take this one. Everyone knows that on a dead straight road, bikes can pass with ease. The bikers will have to pay a ticket for speeding, and crossing the double yellow, but that car driver's insurance is screwed. That rider won't have to work again for the rest of his life.
Wrong all over. This isn't a million dollar case. No way. Had he been just riding in a straight line and some dick swerves into him...not even then. When you engage in an illegal act you accept some level of responsibility for the outcome.
If you're going to say it was an intentional act, "vigilante justice and attempted murder", now its no longer an accident. Probably not going be covered by insurance, and you can't tell me that guy with the '97 t-bird is sitting on a pile of Texas oil money.
There will be no happy ending.
so now it's up to obama to ban cars, right?
One fundamental difference: The car isn't designed specifically to inflict damage and injury..