Drunk Guy Kicked Over My Bike - 2022 Panigale V4

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really sucks. why is the bike unrideable? I had a tip over in my garage and apart from some scratches on brake lever and clutch cover the wing saved everything... plastics were untouched.

Edit: read your subsequent comment. I guess going over the sidewalk probably aggravated things.
Do you know what they charged this guy with? Did you already get a copy of the police report?

I'm not sure what state you're in but at a minimum he should have been charged with some type of an aggravated assault misdemeanor. They should have also added charges related to bringing a weapon into an establishment serving alcohol as most states make that unlawful.

I would recommend speaking to a lawyer about all this but I think the best way forward is to pay the deductible if you're going to file an insurance claim and then file suit against this moron in order to try a recuperate the deductible from him.

Lastly, talk to the owner or manager where you work and make sure everyone is in agreement that this is not a client they want back at the business. When the guy shows up, and I'm sure he will, ask him to leave. If he doesn't, call the police and get a trespass warning issued so that it's on file.

Good luck.

For the sake of discussion, it’s my understanding that what differentiates ‘simple’ and ‘aggravated’ assault is generally whether it’s a misdemeanor or a felony. In fact, some states don’t charge simple vs aggravated assault, they charge misdemeanor vs felony assault.

Assault involving threat with a deadly weapon would almost surely be a felony charge (assuming an impartial, non-political DA).

For reference:

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You won't get a cent from him, he's a broke, lowlife piece of ...., or in legal terms, "judgement-proof".

But you CAN dox him. His case is public information. Give me a last name and a county and I'll give you whatever you want to know about him.
I get where you're coming from but you did chase him down and beat him up... what were you expecting him to do ?
Whats with the revenge theme? Let the professionals deal with whatever crime and move on.

That's a laugh mate. Is it revenge, or justice? Because I'm not sure if you've noticed, but lately our "justice" system hasn't been firing on all 8 cylinders. And what "professionals" are you referring to anyway?

OP is a way nicer guy than me. What the lush did to his bike would warrant a serious beatdown in my book. You don't .... with another man's ride.
Tunapussy is already making it about something its not.

Stay mad and let it eat you up or pay your deductible and be at peace.

I guess you're not old enough to remember when there were actual men in this country. Speaking of men, how's you're wife's boyfriend doing?
OP is a way nicer guy than me. What the lush did to his bike would warrant a serious beatdown in my book. You don't .... with another man's ride.

I used to feel similarly, but now I have no ego or sentimentality invested in vehicles - I consider them disposable. I would respond to someone vandalizing my bike the same as if they vandalized my trash can - meh, I’ll repair or replace it.

Recognize what’s really valuable.
This place was weird before now, it’s really weird. I see the beat down comments are starting, well of course they are, funny how everyone is a 6’5 250lb raging engager on the board and a 5’5 150lb sweetheart when you meet them in public. Just like the gun nuts, all rant but no shows on game day. Close this goofy thread already.
This place was weird before now, it’s really weird. I see the beat down comments are starting, well of course they are, funny how everyone is a 6’5 250lb raging engager on the board and a 5’5 150lb sweetheart when you meet them in public. Just like the gun nuts, all rant but no shows on game day. Close this goofy thread already.

Relax. The poor guy had his Duc attacked. Some of us are still cranking out testosterone and that kind of stuff pisses us off! Nothing wrong with a little rage. Christ, most of you sound like you're still hiding under your bed when it storms.
I think Fishdicks biological, chronological disposition is showing. I’m sure he would rationalize the situation based on a proper battlefield assessment should a personal encounter ensue. Then again, maybe not, could be a hardwired hormonal “go to launch” regardless of the situation.

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