Do you know what they charged this guy with? Did you already get a copy of the police report?
I'm not sure what state you're in but at a minimum he should have been charged with some type of an aggravated assault misdemeanor. They should have also added charges related to bringing a weapon into an establishment serving alcohol as most states make that unlawful.
I would recommend speaking to a lawyer about all this but I think the best way forward is to pay the deductible if you're going to file an insurance claim and then file suit against this moron in order to try a recuperate the deductible from him.
Lastly, talk to the owner or manager where you work and make sure everyone is in agreement that this is not a client they want back at the business. When the guy shows up, and I'm sure he will, ask him to leave. If he doesn't, call the police and get a trespass warning issued so that it's on file.
Good luck.