I guess the bigger question for me is why was this posted at all? Advice on what? He didn’t ask for any. He just posted about an event that happened. The bike is in the hands of the ins company, case closed. The physical implications are in the hands of LE, case closed.
He might as well have posted “hey guys, had a root canal today, it sucked, by”. I guess we could start a pinned thread,
“What happened to me today”
I initially posted some stupid comment, why, cause the post itself made no sense. If you don’t need help with something, or advise on a situation, why in the hell would you post this because all you’re going to get is just what you got, a bunch of guys with absolutely nothing better to do at the moment but join the gossip channel where the conversation is going to tip into what they would do in the situation which the original never asked in the first place and a whole pile of “advice” from all the bad ..... here about a proper ass kicking and of course our fine panel of legal experts. Embarrassing, we’re no better than a group of women at the salon, so much for testosterone fueling.