Drunk Guy Kicked Over My Bike - 2022 Panigale V4

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Sorry man, glad your ok. If you lived in the Atlanta area and didn't want to file a claim, if you bought the parts I would definitely help you get that beauty back together. Really sucks bro. Let me know if you want, and tell me what you might possibly need and if I can find it for you I will keep you posted. I am currently restoring a 1199R. So I have to look all the time for OEM parts that are mint. Anyway if I can help let me know.
Of course everyone here can give the OP advice on what to do, not to do in his situation. Doesn't mean jack unless you were in the room. You have a right to protect your property. We just have to contend with the fact a dangerous weapon could be involved. I have chased hoodrats after stealing from me. I would do it every time unless the odds were not in my favour. <-- this can't be overlooked.

And the court system has nothing to do with justice.
I guess the bigger question for me is why was this posted at all? Advice on what? He didn’t ask for any. He just posted about an event that happened. The bike is in the hands of the ins company, case closed. The physical implications are in the hands of LE, case closed.

He might as well have posted “hey guys, had a root canal today, it sucked, by”. I guess we could start a pinned thread,
“What happened to me today”

I initially posted some stupid comment, why, cause the post itself made no sense. If you don’t need help with something, or advise on a situation, why in the hell would you post this because all you’re going to get is just what you got, a bunch of guys with absolutely nothing better to do at the moment but join the gossip channel where the conversation is going to tip into what they would do in the situation which the original never asked in the first place and a whole pile of “advice” from all the bad ..... here about a proper ass kicking and of course our fine panel of legal experts. Embarrassing, we’re no better than a group of women at the salon, so much for testosterone fueling.
Don’t park your bike out front, some crazy bike hating bitch who’s husband is out riding and enjoying himself will kick it over
The OP is looking for emotional support, like on Oprah and he got it. But its what he didnt say that matters, anyway it reminds me of a joke that works nicely with Fishdick's "I got big balls" comments; Why does (insert subject of joke) come so quickly? So he can get down to the pub and tell his mates about it, and that my friends is social media in a ....... nutshell.
I feel your pain, I have gottent used to replacing mirrors and depends on what you feel but I got fed up and got aftermarket ones , about the same price but are aluminium and a bit smaller which helps in filtering tight spaces. The clip on bar tube is cheap and dead easy to swap thankfully as have replaced both sides already ! Levers again easy swaps , I used a German/italian site with stein dinse in the name.
If your insuremce doesn't cover.
And you have his ID info and police report, you can fix your bike(with your own money, make sure to keep all the bills proof for court ) then call him to civil court for property damage. Here in New York you can claim up to 6k. If he doesn't show up in court you automatically win. Then you call the sherif office and ask them to help you for collection. If he doesn't pay up they will seize his bank accounts and stuff.
Goodluck the streets are ruthless to us😅.

Had bike tipped over by fire truck in past😅.(couldn't sue the FDNY)
Got hit by a cabie(took him to Civil court got 6k)
Got hit by friends motorcycle(claimed damages through his insurence)
Got hit by an old lady(managed to get 4k in cash right on the spot by negotiations)
pussy with a gun, he will likely never legally own a gun again, in a bar with a gun is a very bad thing. assault with a deadly weapon, brandishing , etc etc, a creative DA could easily have a field day on his ass...glad you didnt get shot man. sorry bought your ride ride boss.
sue his ass, when you win and you will , your attorney could call DMV and have a lien put on his license so he cant renew until pays the debt. punks like that you gotta hit em in the pocket book for it to hurt. if you want to you can really fuq his life up.. I WOULD...
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Dude would be eating from straws. That's if he was lucky enough for me to have not shot. too many people carry now that you aren't even aware of. I wish someone would give me the legal right to kill them.
Yea, a 230 grain .45 round would not leave much room for error. But again, in this scenario not a lot of justification for pulling the trigger and again lucky this punk didn't shoot the owner dead.

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