I'd much rather pay a small chump change in interest fees over the next 3-7 years rather than dish out $20-30k all at once. For the majority of us, that lump sum of cash takes a mighty long time to save up for either income limitations or the temptations to spend it on other much more affordable things that may come up. Now if the ones financing "toys" lack responsibility in their ability to manage financial debt, that's another thing and something I would agree with. After buying out my car a year before my lease was even up, I now look back n think why the hell did I waste $25k and pay off my car when I could have damn near financed it for practically free for 3 years and used that large sum of cash for something better. I'd never in my life pay for some expensive "toy" or anything else in full unless I had $$ comin out my ass or my credit wasn't good enough and I was forced to pay a huge interest rate.