further up the post are my instructions for swapping out the pegs:
>>>>>>>> Originally Posted by zvez View Post
are these the pegs in the motowheels link I sent? If so I love them and have a set on my pani and my sf.
Mounting, take the existing pegs off your bike, the pegs are held to the bike by a steel pin and circlip. Circlip holds the peg in place. Spin the circlip around until the open part is towards the bike, with the blade of a screwdriver, carefully pull the circlip off. You need to knock the pin out then, it has a spring so it's stiff, you may need to use a screwdriver or similar to knock the pin out. Leave the spring in place, take the peg off.
Get your rizoma peg, you have to set the angle of the knurling, puts some loctite on the threads of the allen bolt put the two parts together and just slightly snug up the two pieces. Look at the edge of your factory footpeg and align the knurling so it's close to the same angle as the factory peg, mark with a felt tip across where the pieces join together so you can tell if it moves when you tighten the allen bolt. You should have a left and right peg made up now.
Take the peg slip it onto the bike mounting points, slide the pin in (note to slide it in same way as you took out. Ease it thru the holes. Now the circlip is not spring steel so it will have spread open a bit, with a pair of pliers, gently squeeze it so the opening on the circlip becomes narrower, this way it wont move around when vibrating. Put circlip on, once pin in place spin it around so circlip opening faces out.
Hope that makes sense. It's easier to do than explain and I've got a c rappy camera so no pics. sorry.>>>>>>>>>>>