aww, I sense the butthurt. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take it that far. I forgot that it was rude to challenge your opinions with pesky empirical data. Who'd believe an infrared thermometer over the mighty truth of The Word of Brad?
guess where exhaust heat goes, if it doesn't radiate out of the pipes? It stays in the bike? Really? REALLY??
let's say the temperature of the exhaust as it enters the header is, for the sake of argument, 1000 degrees. and if it is still 1000 degrees when it exits the exhaust into the atmosphere, you will have what is a "cooler" bike, because zero heat escaped through the exhaust pipes and all you have left is radiated heat from the engine casing.
obviously that's not the case. but the more you insulate the pipes, the less heat loss you have in the exhaust gases. or in other words, less heat cooking the subframe and seat.
to opine that doing anything to reduce seat temperatures is completely ineffective really says that you're too lazy to do anything about it...other than pooh-pooh people that do try various approaches with the mighty internet keyboard. the thought of another Panigale running cooler than yours must really stick in your craw something awful