I will probably buy a V4 in a year or so. I really want one, I want $10,000,000 but I ant going to get it buying every new model pani that comes out.
I was riding with Alessandro Valia ,(not name dropping) a week ago and he explained what he liked about the bike, (I kind of took his word, as he was one of the main development riders). He basically said the bike holds a line way better and the GP electronics make backing it in or drifting corners effortless. Overall it is more compliant and less exhausting to ride.
He also said the overall power band is better, (.... @ 226Bhp it should be).
It does everything better than the previous generation does. The problem is I don't. I am nowhere near the limit of my 1299. I got to see the limit last week with Valia....I should probably say I got to watch him ride while being on the track...lol. The 1299 is still ....... amazing. So I will keep my bike and wait for the rest of the aftermarket world catch up with this bike, which may take a year.
Ducati definitely has a winner. They are also the best in the industry at making people part with money..