is this legal here?

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No you don't have to try and convince me because I do believe you. Like I said in my previous post, not all officers and people are bad. I truly believe it depends on the area you are in. You have to admit LA county is pretty bad but it goes both ways. You guys put your life on the line everyday whether it's a traffic stop to catching drug dealers, murders etc. and I have a lot of respect for those reasons and for you being respectful and polite during your traffic stops or contacts. There is this motorcycle CHP officer I used to see every day coming home from work and the first time I saw him I was splitting lanes in slow traffic on the freeway and he came up on me pretty quick so I scooted over to let him pass and he waived at me indicating to follow him I said oh .... what did I do wrong? So I followed him zooming thru traffic splitting lanes for about 15 miles until my exit so I started to wave at him to let him know that this was my exit, he gave me a salute and and thumbs up. On the way home I thought that was the coolest thing that every happened to me and I never split lanes going that fast before and even mor behind a CHP. He handled that bike like a pro making room for me. This went on for months until my company moved to another location. So not all officers are bad I do agree with you.

Well, here is the exception"¦ CHP officers and mean. LOL For the most part, there is a little "rift" if you might call it, between local cops and state police"¦ Ever see Super Troopers? True story :D

I have some friends that are CHP and some that I work with on a professional level. They are all good guys so I, myself, have a good relationship with them.

As for CHP Motor Cops"¦ Yes, GREAT riders.

The video in my previous post reveals the cash cow industry that speeding tickets have become in my city. They also touch upon the fact that many roads and most modern vehicles are engineered for faster conditions. In the engineering study they cite an inverse relationship between raised limits and accidents was found. They also compare similar areas with arbitrary speed differences. What was the result of millions of tax payer dollars to commission this study? It was ignored and the low limits were kept.

I encourage you to keep driving without commiting any driving violations, as it sets a good example for the rest of us. After all, how many people on this forum know ALL of the current laws and observe them, always? Anyone?

The video also shows an instance of an officer that does not know the meanings of posted speed limits and another that is breaking at least 3 laws while in a marked car and not involved in a pursuit. Why the double standard? If an officer handing out speeding tickets while accompanied by the news doesnt know the laws while another officer flagrantly breaks those same laws how can we expect average drivers to know and drive better then people that are paid to know and enforce them?

Thank you for sharing your first hand experiences.

As someone mentioned, every state, every area is different. Are there areas that have artificially low speed limits - you bet. And I don't agree with it, but there is nothing I can do. I can tell you, however, that where I work does not have that so I do not have to worry about it.

Did I watch the video, No. I didn't have time and I still don't have time as I'm replying to all this instead of sleeping. Here is something to think about the next time you see a cop "hauling ass" without using their lights & sirens.

Some calls for service do not meet the requirements which would authorize us to use them. However, the person on the other end of the phone is still expecting the cop to get there "now". Would you rather have that officer travel the speed limit? Wait for that red light? Come to a complete stop at that stop sign?

Do some cops drive like that "just because they can"? Yes, we discussed this already, move on. If you would like me to obey ALL the traffic laws as I respond to your non-injury traffic collision while you wait in the middle of a busy intersection where people don't give a crap about your crash and just wanna get by you so they can get to where ever it is they are going, please let me know it is you that is calling.

im not going to comment on the LE people cause obviously everyone is different and so is every situation.
i will comment on the private sector pension comment and the public sector pension though.

are you serious with this comment? they are totally different in every way. First off its Private sector. not saying they arent bloated but they are voted on by a board of directors and paid out by the COMPANY. That said company produces wealth not only in the business they are doing and hiring people, but if they are traded publicly also creates wealth for people that invest. Its not the JOB of a PRIVATE COMPANY to produce jobs or anything like that. The goal of a private company is to MAKE MONEY.

The public sector pension is voted on by a group of politicians trying to keep the union happy so he can stay in power. Nothing voted on is paid for by the individual in power. Nothing is created by the public sector. It is all paid for by the people who have NO say. If you live in NY you know what i am talking about. every go to a MTA meeting or TOLL hike meeting. you have 100 people there against it and the vote ALWAYS goes through. if you look at it from an accounting point of view it will always be a liability a cost center.

I will take a bloated james diamon who while is pension (not really a pension) is insane, has his company returning plenty of wealth to everybody. i wonder whos pension is in the portfolio of every pension fund and 401k in the country. when was the last time any of the unions gave one thing to anyone but themselves. how do you conservative union members feel that your dues were spent financing the election of BHO and you had no say?

Come to think of it i cant even think of a private company that offers a traditional pension anymore. Why is that cause its unsustainable. In nyc the average public worker over 20 years puts in 300k toward their pensions. if you retire at 50 and live to 70 the takeout is (assuming a 50k pension) a million bucks. who pays the rest i can tell you its not the private company. its the tax payer.

Here is what I said, and please read the words"¦
Third, salary, retirement packages and pensions can be much more "bloated" in the private sector

I used the word "can". Never said it is always the case. Also, it's not just the pension. A private sector employee may make more money while employed but less in retirement while a public worker may make less while employed but more [than a private sector employee] in retirement. Am I going to do the math right now? No. Is this a blanket statement that can cover EVERY situation? No. Are there some people in the public sector that make way too much money, you bet! But I would like to think it all even out in the end and a great quote to live by is "You can't please everyone".

If you would like to disagree, go ahead but I'm done arguing on here.

I tried to get some folks here to see things from a different perspective and I think the only thing we all accomplished was thread jack the crap outta this.
Would you rather have that officer travel the speed limit? Wait for that red light? Come to a complete stop at that stop sign?

Do some cops drive like that "just because they can"? Yes, we discussed this already, move on. If you would like me to obey ALL the traffic laws as I respond to your non-injury traffic collision while you wait in the middle of a busy intersection where people don't give a crap about your crash and just wanna get by you so they can get to where ever it is they are going, please let me know it is you that is calling.

Yes, yes and yes.
What you accept to be normal doesn't make it right, legal, or minimize the negative effect it has on other "law abiding" citizens. Please, "move on", nothing to say here.

Why would I want to put others at a greater risk of having an accident with you? So you can get to the scene of my make believe accident a few minutes sooner? What difference will that make? p.s. Maybe if you weren't busy at a speed trap I wouldn't have to wait so long. ;)

Let me reassure you that everyone isn't that self-centered. Case in point. The last time I was rear-ended the first car that I motioned at pulled over and gave me their cellphone to make a call. What was my secret trick? It's easy. First, make a fist with your right hand. Now extend the thumb towards your ear while simultaneously extending your picky towards your mouth. It's like Magic. :) Just don't mix up your picky with your index finger or the first officer on the scene could mistake it for a gun and it could end very badly. :D
Staymates788 just wondering if you could do this on you Police Bike :)

One of Ventura's PD finest at a show a few days ago. Another Great LE who helps and have a good relationship with the public.


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