is this legal here?

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Never..... whats the point of that?? I just wish one day I got a
I have yet to get a ticket since I started riding a SBK in 2007, only two warnings ;)
Running with a radar detector and treating law enforcement with respect can get you out of lots of tickets i.e. passing an unmarked police car crossing a double yellow etc. :D
I have yet to get a ticket since I started riding a SBK in 2007, only two warnings ;)
Running with a radar detector and treating law enforcement with respect can get you out of lots of tickets i.e. passing an unmarked police car crossing a double yellow etc. :D

I need to stop riding in Oklahoma...:cool:
Whats the clue part he is missing...A little more details on that our California liberal poster?

Because most of the LE officer in SoCal wants you to man up, shut up and take it. Whether you are wrong or right. They believe they are above the law and they forget what their job is all about. Protect and serve. Every experience I had with LE goes like this
1. How can you afford a car like this? Oh I see you are in your flight suit you must think you are still flying those F18 above. I got a ticket for 70 in a 65 really ?. I man up and didn't say a word I even was respectful. He didn't clock me and didn't use radar. I ate the cost of the ticket and I knew I wasn't speeding.

2. Coming home on my bike one cold evening from the gym sweaty laying on the tank to keep out of the cold wind. Cop crosses over a huge median just because he assumed I was speeding which I wasn't because everyone knows thats where they hide and try and get you. They don't want you to ask them question which you can legally ask in a nice way because he is above god and country. He asked how fast I was going I said 50. He said I had to be speeding because I was laying on my tank. I tried to explain why I was and he told me to shut up. Respect? This is when I learned .... that I'm not going to shut up because he takes notes of everything I say and can use it in court right? so why not do the same? Why not ask him for his reasons why he pulled me over, what did he clock me doing. I not going to eat a cost of a ticket if I didn't do anything wrong and it's hard to beat it in court if you have no evidence or document it. Since then I'm 8 of 8 of having them tossed out of court. Cops try to project a superior and intimidating image so they can get there way with you. Now that I'm older with a lot more time and money I don't let anyone run over me and I don't care if it's the President or the Queen herself. I fight these bull crap tickets when I know I'm right and just don't shut up and take it like a man. After all it is not the officer that determines if you are guilty or innocent.

The just of it all is that cops should be fair, curious and respectful and treat people the way they want to be treated after all they a public servant but unfortunately they are trained to project that intimidating image and if you fall for that your done.
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That is nuts. So tucking in in Cali on a cold day or high wind chill can get us a ticket?? What is Cali coming to???
rode in the cold night with tank bag and hugging my tank bag like a teddy bear while my hands and arms were losing feel on the freeway. Not fun.
its pretty simple. California and the likes of them (Illinois ny md nj) all need the revenue. its an added tax another way to separate you from your money.

i just want to know one thing do all you LE guys feel good when you just legally stole someones hard earned money? you give that 120 ticket which does nothing for YOU personally and that person has to EARN 240 bucks to pay for that ticket. Do you really think you made the area safer? Do you walk back to your patrol car and feel good about yourself? Me personally if the guy wasnt an a hole i would feel bad. That 120 bucks (really 240) could have been a gift to his kid. Instead you steal it to the beurocratic black hole. Now obviously i am not talking about a guy doing 80 in a thirty but 60 in a 50 to meet the quote (i know you dont have but you do) so the city can waste more of my money.

I know in NYC it is looked better upon to write tickets than it is for multiple arrests.

I ask this because of the undercover cop that hides on a bend near where i take the bus to work in the morning. you cant see him he is there everyday and in 15 min writes 2 or 3 tickets while i wait at 7 am. always the same shoots out almost causes an accident to get the criminal for doing 40 in a 35 then smugly back to his car speeds off to his hiding spot for his next victim.

By the way if you want to talk about respect maybe you should respect me a little first before you get any from me. after all i pay your salary and your bloated pension.
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I'm already not popular since I ride BMW and not Ducati. So saying this won't hurt my standing. But it's not a LEO's job to decide if you're right or wrong. Their job is to write the ticket as they see it. One of the whole foundations of the USA (not discounting the overseas riders) is that no 1 department is Judge, Jury and Executioner.

A LEO's job is to write the ticket. It's up to the judge / jury and your lawyer to decide whether or not it's valid.
No. File transfer protocol of course ;)

Real mature for a "Moderator."

Remember how you feel when some crackhead is kicking in your back door at 0300. Fix that .... yourself. Dont call 911, .... them Police.
Why do LE officers wants respect when they respect no one? He is an example of an LE just wanting us to "Man up, shut up and take it" and "Be polite & courteous. If the cop asks a question, answer it"¦ Even if the answer is "I am "respectfully" not going to answer the question" cause if you don't he will tack on other violations.

Really? 8 years in LE and you still don't have a clue.

There are "bad apples" in EVERY profession. Law Enforcement is no different and has them too. I would be an idiot to try and deny that one. Most cops do not think they are "all above the law" Most cops are professional in every aspect of their job"¦. Maybe you just got every bad one out there on all your car stops, I don't know. And by the looks of it I'm not gonna convince you otherwise so I'm not gonna waste any more of my time.

But, I will tell you that I am always polite & respectful in my greeting when I first contact a driver who I stop. How they answer then dictates which direction the rest of my contact will go. I'm a motorcycle cop, my job is to enforce the traffic laws; therefore I give very few warnings. I do, however, try to cut breaks in other ways if the person deserves it. I've already explained that may be reducing the MPH on the citation or a different violation that does not carry a point on their driver's license.

People who think the police are just "out to get them" are ignorant. I receive a lot of smiles, laughs and Thank You's during and at the conclusion of my contacts.

Firstly welcome to the forum..

Secondly I totally agree that attitude determines a lot...but my frustration is that despite how polite courteous and forthcoming I am I still get the ticket for what I was break... that's a little disheartening...

Like I said, the cop probably already had it set in his mind you were getting a ticket"¦ but I hear ya, sometimes you just can't catch a break.

Never..... whats the point of that?? I just wish one day I got a

LOL, everyone wants a break ;)

its pretty simple. California and the likes of them (Illinois ny md nj) all need the revenue. its an added tax another way to separate you from your money.

i just want to know one thing do all you LE guys feel good when you just legally stole someones hard earned money? you give that 120 ticket which does nothing for YOU personally and that person has to EARN 240 bucks to pay for that ticket. Do you really think you made the area safer? Do you walk back to your patrol car and feel good about yourself? Me personally if the guy wasnt an a hole i would feel bad. That 120 bucks (really 240) could have been a gift to his kid. Instead you steal it to the beurocratic black hole. Now obviously i am not talking about a guy doing 80 in a thirty but 60 in a 50 to meet the quote (i know you dont have but you do) so the city can waste more of my money.

I know in NYC it is looked better upon to write tickets than it is for multiple arrests.

I ask this because of the undercover cop that hides on a bend near where i take the bus to work in the morning. you cant see him he is there everyday and in 15 min writes 2 or 3 tickets while i wait at 7 am. always the same shoots out almost causes an accident to get the criminal for doing 40 in a 35 then smugly back to his car speeds off to his hiding spot for his next victim.

By the way if you want to talk about respect maybe you should respect me a little first before you get any from me. after all i pay your salary and your bloated pension.

First off"¦ By calling traffic fines a "tax" is absurd. Guess what, if you don't break any traffic laws, you DON'T get "taxed""¦ How shocking!

Second, states have different rules and such as to when a citation will be issued or not. Here in CA, (other of being on a freeway; different laws) your speed must be "unsafe" for the conditions; CVC 22350. That can vary with times or day, type of road, weather and such. So, that being said, you won't be getting a citation for doing 5 over; and if you do, that can be early dismissed in court. Again, cops come in all shapes & sizes so I can only speak for the people I work with and myself. I am VERY generous when it comes to the "magic" speed over the limit that you gotta be going for me to issue a ticket. If I stop you, you were hauling ass, and most drivers know it. Except those that just wanna argue and say they were going "the speed limit".

Third, salary, retirement packages and pensions can be much more "bloated" in the private sector"¦ Are you just as out spoken about their pay too?

Also, i can tell you for certain that the amount of money the State and my City receives from the tickets I issue DOES NOT COME CLOSE to the amount of money the City spends to pay me and maintain my motorcycle. So your logic is flawed.

Oh, and I can hide anywhere I want, nothing wrong with that. Do you drive/ride differently when you SEE a cop? Most likely. However, I RARELY "hide"; I like to be in the open. I'd rather "give a scare" to everyone on the road because they see me sitting there than just that one person I give a ticket to. Plenty of people drive like idiots and do not look ahead so it's not hard to find violations sitting in the open. The only time I "hide" is when it is warm out and I'm trying to utilize what little shade I can find.

And to all"¦ if you got a question, feel free to send me a PM and ask. I'll give you an honest answer"¦ but know I am only good with CA laws.
Remember how you feel when some crackhead is kicking in your back door at 0300. Fix that .... yourself. Dont call 911, .... them Police.

What do you imagine the response time would be in a situation such as this and how much damage or harm do you believe someone is capable of inflicting in that amount of time?

If someone is kicking my back door in at 0300, or anytime while I am home or my family is occupying the residence, the last thing I am thinking about is calling the police. "Fix it yourself" sounds about right.
Very very, first time out on the bike (bike was delivered from dealer to my garage BTW), motorcop pulled me over on a frontage road. 50 MPH max road, I was going 35. He thought I was going a little slow for the environment. Sunny day out and no traffic. First thing I told him was I just got this bike, brand spanking new. He was excited for me and said he won't interrupt my bonding time with my bike any further. Good times!
There are "bad apples" in EVERY profession. Law Enforcement is no different and has them too. I would be an idiot to try and deny that one. Most cops do not think they are "all above the law" Most cops are professional in every aspect of their job"¦. Maybe you just got every bad one out there on all your car stops, I don't know. And by the looks of it I'm not gonna convince you otherwise so I'm not gonna waste any more of my time.

But, I will tell you that I am always polite & respectful in my greeting when I first contact a driver who I stop. How they answer then dictates which direction the rest of my contact will go. I'm a motorcycle cop, my job is to enforce the traffic laws; therefore I give very few warnings. I do, however, try to cut breaks in other ways if the person deserves it. I've already explained that may be reducing the MPH on the citation or a different violation that does not carry a point on their driver's license.

People who think the police are just "out to get them" are ignorant. I receive a lot of smiles, laughs and Thank You's during and at the conclusion of my contacts.

Like I said, the cop probably already had it set in his mind you were getting a ticket"¦ but I hear ya, sometimes you just can't catch a break.

LOL, everyone wants a break ;)

First off"¦ By calling traffic fines a "tax" is absurd. Guess what, if you don't break any traffic laws, you DON'T get "taxed""¦ How shocking!

Second, states have different rules and such as to when a citation will be issued or not. Here in CA, (other of being on a freeway; different laws) your speed must be "unsafe" for the conditions; CVC 22350. That can vary with times or day, type of road, weather and such. So, that being said, you won't be getting a citation for doing 5 over; and if you do, that can be early dismissed in court. Again, cops come in all shapes & sizes so I can only speak for the people I work with and myself. I am VERY generous when it comes to the "magic" speed over the limit that you gotta be going for me to issue a ticket. If I stop you, you were hauling ass, and most drivers know it. Except those that just wanna argue and say they were going "the speed limit".

Third, salary, retirement packages and pensions can be much more "bloated" in the private sector"¦ Are you just as out spoken about their pay too?

Also, i can tell you for certain that the amount of money the State and my City receives from the tickets I issue DOES NOT COME CLOSE to the amount of money the City spends to pay me and maintain my motorcycle. So your logic is flawed.

Oh, and I can hide anywhere I want, nothing wrong with that. Do you drive/ride differently when you SEE a cop? Most likely. However, I RARELY "hide"; I like to be in the open. I'd rather "give a scare" to everyone on the road because they see me sitting there than just that one person I give a ticket to. Plenty of people drive like idiots and do not look ahead so it's not hard to find violations sitting in the open. The only time I "hide" is when it is warm out and I'm trying to utilize what little shade I can find.

And to all"¦ if you got a question, feel free to send me a PM and ask. I'll give you an honest answer"¦ but know I am only good with CA laws.

Thank you for a mature and professional response when the situation doesn't necessarily demand it. Says a lot about your character. I can only wish most LEO's are more similar to yourself. As you said, there are bad apple in every profession.
There are "bad apples" in EVERY profession. Law Enforcement is no different and has them too. I would be an idiot to try and deny that one. Most cops do not think they are "all above the law" Most cops are professional in every aspect of their job"¦. Maybe you just got every bad one out there on all your car stops, I don't know. And by the looks of it I'm not gonna convince you otherwise so I'm not gonna waste any more of my time.

But, I will tell you that I am always polite & respectful in my greeting when I first contact a driver who I stop. How they answer then dictates which direction the rest of my contact will go. I'm a motorcycle cop, my job is to enforce the traffic laws; therefore I give very few warnings. I do, however, try to cut breaks in other ways if the person deserves it. I've already explained that may be reducing the MPH on the citation or a different violation that does not carry a point on their driver's license.

No you don't have to try and convince me because I do believe you. Like I said in my previous post, not all officers and people are bad. I truly believe it depends on the area you are in. You have to admit LA county is pretty bad but it goes both ways. You guys put your life on the line everyday whether it's a traffic stop to catching drug dealers, murders etc. and I have a lot of respect for those reasons and for you being respectful and polite during your traffic stops or contacts. There is this motorcycle CHP officer I used to see every day coming home from work and the first time I saw him I was splitting lanes in slow traffic on the freeway and he came up on me pretty quick so I scooted over to let him pass and he waived at me indicating to follow him I said oh .... what did I do wrong? So I followed him zooming thru traffic splitting lanes for about 15 miles until my exit so I started to wave at him to let him know that this was my exit, he gave me a salute and and thumbs up. On the way home I thought that was the coolest thing that every happened to me and I never split lanes going that fast before and even mor behind a CHP. He handled that bike like a pro making room for me. This went on for months until my company moved to another location. So not all officers are bad I do agree with you.
First off"¦ By calling traffic fines a "tax" is absurd. Guess what, if you don't break any traffic laws, you DON'T get "taxed""¦ How shocking!

The video in my previous post reveals the cash cow industry that speeding tickets have become in my city. They also touch upon the fact that many roads and most modern vehicles are engineered for faster conditions. In the engineering study they cite an inverse relationship between raised limits and accidents was found. They also compare similar areas with arbitrary speed differences. What was the result of millions of tax payer dollars to commission this study? It was ignored and the low limits were kept.

I encourage you to keep driving without commiting any driving violations, as it sets a good example for the rest of us. After all, how many people on this forum know ALL of the current laws and observe them, always? Anyone?

The video also shows an instance of an officer that does not know the meanings of posted speed limits and another that is breaking at least 3 laws while in a marked car and not involved in a pursuit. Why the double standard? If an officer handing out speeding tickets while accompanied by the news doesnt know the laws while another officer flagrantly breaks those same laws how can we expect average drivers to know and drive better then people that are paid to know and enforce them?

Thank you for sharing your first hand experiences.
im not going to comment on the LE people cause obviously everyone is different and so is every situation.
i will comment on the private sector pension comment and the public sector pension though.

are you serious with this comment? they are totally different in every way. First off its Private sector. not saying they arent bloated but they are voted on by a board of directors and paid out by the COMPANY. That said company produces wealth not only in the business they are doing and hiring people, but if they are traded publicly also creates wealth for people that invest. Its not the JOB of a PRIVATE COMPANY to produce jobs or anything like that. The goal of a private company is to MAKE MONEY.

The public sector pension is voted on by a group of politicians trying to keep the union happy so he can stay in power. Nothing voted on is paid for by the individual in power. Nothing is created by the public sector. It is all paid for by the people who have NO say. If you live in NY you know what i am talking about. every go to a MTA meeting or TOLL hike meeting. you have 100 people there against it and the vote ALWAYS goes through. if you look at it from an accounting point of view it will always be a liability a cost center.

I will take a bloated james diamon who while is pension (not really a pension) is insane, has his company returning plenty of wealth to everybody. i wonder whos pension is in the portfolio of every pension fund and 401k in the country. when was the last time any of the unions gave one thing to anyone but themselves. how do you conservative union members feel that your dues were spent financing the election of BHO and you had no say?

Come to think of it i cant even think of a private company that offers a traditional pension anymore. Why is that cause its unsustainable. In nyc the average public worker over 20 years puts in 300k toward their pensions. if you retire at 50 and live to 70 the takeout is (assuming a 50k pension) a million bucks. who pays the rest i can tell you its not the private company. its the tax payer.
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