There are "bad apples" in EVERY profession. Law Enforcement is no different and has them too. I would be an idiot to try and deny that one. Most cops do not think they are "all above the law" Most cops are professional in every aspect of their job"¦. Maybe you just got every bad one out there on all your car stops, I don't know. And by the looks of it I'm not gonna convince you otherwise so I'm not gonna waste any more of my time.
But, I will tell you that I am always polite & respectful in my greeting when I first contact a driver who I stop. How they answer then dictates which direction the rest of my contact will go. I'm a motorcycle cop, my job is to enforce the traffic laws; therefore I give very few warnings. I do, however, try to cut breaks in other ways if the person deserves it. I've already explained that may be reducing the MPH on the citation or a different violation that does not carry a point on their driver's license.
People who think the police are just "out to get them" are ignorant. I receive a lot of smiles, laughs and Thank You's during and at the conclusion of my contacts.
Like I said, the cop probably already had it set in his mind you were getting a ticket"¦ but I hear ya, sometimes you just can't catch a break.
LOL, everyone wants a break
First off"¦ By calling traffic fines a "tax" is absurd. Guess what, if you don't break any traffic laws, you DON'T get "taxed""¦ How shocking!
Second, states have different rules and such as to when a citation will be issued or not. Here in CA, (other of being on a freeway; different laws) your speed must be "unsafe" for the conditions; CVC 22350. That can vary with times or day, type of road, weather and such. So, that being said, you won't be getting a citation for doing 5 over; and if you do, that can be early dismissed in court. Again, cops come in all shapes & sizes so I can only speak for the people I work with and myself. I am VERY generous when it comes to the "magic" speed over the limit that you gotta be going for me to issue a ticket. If I stop you, you were hauling ass, and most drivers know it. Except those that just wanna argue and say they were going "the speed limit".
Third, salary, retirement packages and pensions can be much more "bloated" in the private sector"¦ Are you just as out spoken about their pay too?
Also, i can tell you for certain that the amount of money the State and my City receives from the tickets I issue DOES NOT COME CLOSE to the amount of money the City spends to pay me and maintain my motorcycle. So your logic is flawed.
Oh, and I can hide anywhere I want, nothing wrong with that. Do you drive/ride differently when you SEE a cop? Most likely. However, I RARELY "hide"; I like to be in the open. I'd rather "give a scare" to everyone on the road because they see me sitting there than just that one person I give a ticket to. Plenty of people drive like idiots and do not look ahead so it's not hard to find violations sitting in the open. The only time I "hide" is when it is warm out and I'm trying to utilize what little shade I can find.
And to all"¦ if you got a question, feel free to send me a PM and ask. I'll give you an honest answer"¦ but know I am only good with CA laws.