Credit history doesn't have .... to do with it. How do I know? Because no way I'd have 100/300/100 coverage for only $800 a year with my ...... 630 credit.
Ah yes, credit history does unfortunately have something to do with it. It affects their companies view of your payment history and can or will affect your payments if you aren't paying up front. Also, and I had a HUGE argument with Progressive over the day I fired them for it, can also alter your rate due as they make assumptions based on national averages of drivers receiving tickets or getting into accidents. Major crap! When they were explaining that to me I went ballistic. In NO way does negative credit affect my abililty to properly drive or ride which is ALL insurance should be based upon. After all, why do you think they ask for your SS# for in the first place? It isn't for identification purpose's. That is in compliance with the law as far as I know. SOrry to rant. It's just a major sore subject for me!