Thanks SpeedOfSound and SuperD
It comes back to the issue that the V4R mounting holes are approx 4mm higher, so the V4R plates / holders don't fit.
As Rick pointed out, the Spider plates fit both bikes,but have no provision for a side stand. Although the bike is pretty much track only, I'm not sure I could cope without a side stand from a logistics perspective (getting on and off the bike in the pits, moving it around in my tiny garage etc.....)
Drilling the original plates looks to be the best option, but even this is not straightforward. The V4R casting has more meat for the retaining bolt and the hole is drilled at a slight angle - with the marker for +3 at 12 o'clock, the bolt looks to be at 17 minutes on the outside, rising to about 15 minutes on the inside.
Gotta love a challenge!