SOLD! Parting out my 2020 Panigale V4R 380 original miles 15k in mods plus original parts

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Too much, I can get the components I need to build the shock for $1700, match or come in below that and I’m in.

Also, I don’t do vague delivery dates or part availability dates.

When EXACTLY would they be available for pickup?

I wouldn’t be coming down any lower sorry. The V4R forks are pretty expensive.
Too much, I can get the components I need to build the shock for $1700, match or come in below that and I’m in.


Untweaked V4R Ohlins sets off wrecked bikes generally pull $2500 and this seller is only asking a couple hundred more for a <400 mile mint set.

Heck, quality TTX internals alone run $2400+ and then there’s the install cost.

I thought spring upgrades were done on this bike when he bought it new but maybe I’m thinking of someone else’s R for sale. Either way, GLWS.

Untweaked V4R Ohlins sets off wrecked bikes generally pull $2500 and this seller is only asking a couple hundred more for a <400 mile mint set.

Heck, quality TTX internals alone run $2400+ and then there’s the install cost.

I thought spring upgrades were done on this bike when he bought it new but maybe I’m thinking of someone else’s R for sale. Either way, GLWS.

Springs were done yes. Stiffer ttx springs were installed
I just had surgery so I can’t pull the parts myself I’m waiting for my mechanic to be available to pull the parts for the other buyer. 2800.00 for the front forks without trees. 3000 with trees. Buyer is responsible for any shipping. Where you located?

So now I’m concerned for you brother, you said you were parting it out because that would net you $1000 more than if you sold it….but not everything has to wait for a mechanic to disassemble it…pretty sure he’s gunna charge you more than $1000 to tear down an entire bike?
I sent him a message 28 October cuz I wanted the entire front end. He replied that day to tell me he'd check on a price and get back to me.

Never did hear back from him.
I sent him a message 28 October cuz I wanted the entire front end.

Most of the folks on this forum know what items sell for. For those that don’t, call your local dealership for pricing and then offer him 60% of retail (as that was the metric he stated from the get go). He can only say yes or no.

I wish someone would save him a lot of effort (and time) and just buy the whole bike.
To base sale price off of what a dealer charges for oem parts is a reach. Majority of the time, oem items sell for over 75% cheaper than dealer price. You can't sell oem exhaust, forks, wheels (big ticket items) for anywhere near 60% off retail. Oem exhaust is probably 300-400 maybe. R forks, probably 1000-1500 range, base wheels 700-900 range and s wheels for maybe 1500-1700 range. Parts are only worth what the market says they're worth. We will all pass on in life b4 those forks sell for 3k or even 2k.
You call sell for what people are willing to pay, period…I’m will to give him $1500 for them….otherwise I’m just gunna go in a different direction with a different setup.

If he finds someone who will pay more he should do that.

As an aside I’m still sketch on this guy, but waiting to see.

There’s a lot of FUBAR going on here that raises alarm bells lol
Parts are only worth what the market says they're worth.
Very true!!

The spot price of precious metals fluctuates multiple times throughout a day (in reality, every 90 seconds on average). Why? Because it is valued based on real time economic consumer data, world stock exchange fluctuations and demand of the buyer pool.

The market always reflects the REAL value of an item.
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