Thanks Anti Hero, It will be 5 years before I reach that mileage. now the question is, how much would it cost you? Since you are a Ducati ambassador, will you get any servicing discounts?
Vertical cylinder also happens to be the cylinder the tech noticed was sucking in all the crankcase vapors.
Yeah, logic would make me think traces of damage be present in the matching sleeve too.Well the problem started at 22k miles, so I'd hope that's not the lifespan of the pistons. I'm inclined to go with HotIce, but there didn't seem to be any scoring of the liners. Could that damage could happen without leaving some scars there?
Oh and now we're at 28.5k miles. (Someone has to be at the tip of the spear.)
Oh it was the vertical cylinder piston that took the hit. Vertical cylinder also happens to be the cylinder the tech noticed was sucking in all the crankcase vapors.
I must have missed this part in the other thread. That's disconcerting. What caused that to occur?
That now makes sense why it's so covered in burnt carbon!
Dennis, do you consistently use a certain type of gasoline? I.e., Shell V-Power, Chevron Techron or BP Invorgorate with the additives that supposedly fight carbon buildups? I read somewhere that they actually might work over time. Good luck with the warranty for your trip. As an alternative, maybe we can start a PayPal "slush" fund for you. I'd consider it an NPR-type reader contribution model for your ride reports