Should be receiving the Cordona unit next week; can't wait because the OEM quickshifter is getting weirder for me- downshifts 5-4 or 4-3 are seemingly randomly successful so I started playing with setup yesterday.
What I found was that the upper gear downshifts do not like fully closed throttle, though sometimes it will work but I couldn't pinpoint an rpm because what worked once wouldn't a second time. Tried different targeted speeds and rpms multiple times.
Keeping the throttle slightly open, or opening it a bit if it's closed, those blip downshifts happen at all rpms. But from 3rd gear down, you can take your hand off the bars and it will still blip and click no problem.
I don't know why it operates this way, but coming into a fast corner in 4th the last thing I need is to try and process a slight throttle opening while braking and setting up body position. So for now I clutch down from the upper gears so there's no last second surprises. I for one don't typically downshift while still applying throttle unless I'm looking to gain rpms and bolt, so during deceleration it is unsettling.