So went to test my bike today and nothing changed. They did Ducatis "flow chart" as I was told. DDS scan,cleared front wheel speed sensor error,reset tps sensor,not 100% what else hey did/reset.
They turned off all electronic features, ABS,DTC,DQS,DWC,thinking maybe a sensor/electronic issue.
So still same issue. Feels lean even though dyno doesn't show above 14.7 anywhere. But it has horrible surging below 25% throttle, 25-50% it's strong!! 50%+ in ANY gear it's a slug from 4-8k rpm,then seems strong to redline.
Dealer going to swap whole gas tank with new bike to rule out any fuel pump/filter issue.
If that doesn't work,then going to reinstall non-upmap stock map/settings on ecu.,then reinstall upmap if that seems to help.
Fingers crossed for next week!!