2:30… FFS.
The instructor was mostly positive but said I could carry more corner speed with more lean and it would let me turn the bike tighter and so make the corner shorter and the straight longer. Makes sense.
Turn 1 he reckoned I could add 5-10kph more but with more lean.
Last turn I can carry more speed even with the current lean angle and get on the throttle harder to take me all the way to the outside of the track. This I was already aware of.
Lines were apparently good. Often turning in fractionally after my turn in point but getting to the apex.
It’s apparently time for me to get my knee down again. It’s been getting on for 30 years since I last did that… On the video I wasn’t sticking my knee out much at all and it was fairly close to the ground – just turning the knee out a fraction would’ve done it. Whilst it doesn’t bother me, he said it will give me some confidence in leaning the bike more as I will know where I am and that makes sense.
So it was an improvement again, but still not where I think I should be.