Trade my Panigale in for a Vespa?

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How did you notice that the air box hadn't been sealed properly? Just by the dust inside the air box or something else?
When you pull the tank the seal stays in place. Instead of bilateral symmetry, a portion of the seal on the right side of the bike had been squashed in. So much so that even after I pulled the seal off it remained in that squashed position. Happened to be in exactly the place you wedge your hand in when reconnecting the fuel quick release, indicating that the last mechanic reconnected the fuel lines, he pushed the rubber over and into the airbox, snapped the connector, then pulled his hand out and left the seal down where it wasn't supposed to be.

I cleaned out dust and even some leaf particles. Wasn't like the whole interior was covered in filth, but there was debris, which most certainly should not be in there.
When you pull the tank the seal stays in place. Instead of bilateral symmetry, a portion of the seal on the right side of the bike had been squashed in. So much so that even after I pulled the seal off it remained in that squashed position. Happened to be in exactly the place you wedge your hand in when reconnecting the fuel quick release, indicating that the last mechanic reconnected the fuel lines, he pushed the rubber over and into the airbox, snapped the connector, then pulled his hand out and left the seal down where it wasn't supposed to be.

I cleaned out dust and even some leaf particles. Wasn't like the whole interior was covered in filth, but there was debris, which most certainly should not be in there.

have your cylinder bores checked for scoring
One step ahead of you Steve. Planned on having those checked when she's apart, but sleeves? I didn't think modern bikes had sleeves anymore....
One step ahead of you Steve. Planned on having those checked when she's apart, but sleeves? I didn't think modern bikes had sleeves anymore....
In a 1199, pistons don't touch directly the bore, but they slides over dedicated sleeves.
Much cheaper than replacing the hole cylinder block, if something goes bad.

Thanks, HotIce. I'll check to see if they're doing the sleeves, too. If I could wait on parts perhaps I'd even go for ti Rods since the engine will be stripped down anyways.

Big jugs is right. Aren't the Panigale pistons the largest of any motorbike or car made? I recall the second largest were the Vipers....
Thanks, HotIce. I'll check to see if they're doing the sleeves, too. If I could wait on parts perhaps I'd even go for ti Rods since the engine will be stripped down anyways.

Big jugs is right. Aren't the Panigale pistons the largest of any motorbike or car made? I recall the second largest were the Vipers....


The Superquadro engine's claim to fame, is that it's the most oversquare(meaning an ultra short stroke to bore ratio) engine ever mass produced.
That's where it's name actually derives from.
Ducati should just take your bike as it was a guinea pig for loads of miles on new style engine and give you a 2013 1199 R from a dealer floor and send you in your way ! The publicity you gave the 1199 has to be worth that alone! Put your high mileage bike in the Ducati museum :)
Thanks, HotIce. I'll check to see if they're doing the sleeves, too. If I could wait on parts perhaps I'd even go for ti Rods since the engine will be stripped down anyways.

Big jugs is right. Aren't the Panigale pistons the largest of any motorbike or car made? I recall the second largest were the Vipers....

Then also get the R flywheel for a 1/4grand!!!!
Then also get the R flywheel for a 1/4grand!!!!

Damn straight!

Ducati should just take your bike as it was a guinea pig for loads of miles on new style engine and give you a 2013 1199 R from a dealer floor and send you in your way ! The publicity you gave the 1199 has to be worth that alone! Put your high mileage bike in the Ducati museum :)

You get my nomination for curator of the Ducati Museum. :)
Today was my last day of work, but parts should be in tomorrow. Hoping all goes well. Bankrupting myself on this trip would be a fair trade. Going bankrupt just waiting around--ummm, not so much!
PARTS ARE IN! Still not looking like I'll get to ride again until Tues or Wed., though. It's killin' me to not have a bike!
PARTS ARE IN! Still not looking like I'll get to ride again until Tues or Wed., though. It's killin' me to not have a bike!

Dennis...are you confident its going to be all good?? It will be awesome to have you riding again...
Dennis...are you confident its going to be all good?? It will be awesome to have you riding again...

Still without bike. Called yesterday and was told the engine was still being worked on. Called today and they said the engine is back together, but that they hope maybe it could be reassembled by Sat., but that was a 'maybe'. Which means it could be Tues or Wed. of next week....provided the high idle problem was caused by the pistons. Then I'll need to put at least 1000 miles on it to verify. "Deflated" is my mood. A new bike sure would solve the problem quickly, but would have me sleeping under park benches more often than I'd care to.
Still without bike. Called yesterday and was told the engine was still being worked on. Called today and they said the engine is back together, but that they hope maybe it could be reassembled by Sat., but that was a 'maybe'. Which means it could be Tues or Wed. of next week....provided the high idle problem was caused by the pistons. Then I'll need to put at least 1000 miles on it to verify. "Deflated" is my mood. A new bike sure would solve the problem quickly, but would have me sleeping under park benches more often than I'd care to.

So do you have any schedule worked out for your trip??? Is it going to happen??? I am so sorry for your deflated feeling...I think I speak for everyone when I say we feel your pain and wished there was something we could do to help.....
My plans are simple: Get across the Atlantic, insert key, ride. I'm ready to roll. Bike is not.
Don't mean to be glib about the plans comment. I really have none. Missed IOM TT, but it's looking like I'll still make WDW.

And good news--got the call (email) from Ducati Newport Beach. Bike is buttoned up and ready to roll. Picking her up in the AM. It's going to be a long night....

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