OK, brought back from self-imposed thread exile once more for this one. Not an unreasonable question actually, but what you find the law has evolved over the years nationwide to reflect, is that vehicles tend to get taxed and regulated based on the load they place on the infrastructure. Not meaning weight, though that is certainly related, but more the cost to society. Motor vehicle insurance costs what it does because of the cost of accidents, and you can obviously do a lot more damage with a few tons of steel than you can with a bicycle. Same with licensing requirements, etc. Large commercial vehicles, for instance, have a much higher licensing, insurance and taxation burden than passenger cars for the above reasons. A 20lb bicycle places a nearly non-existent burden on the system; therefore bikes are taxed and regulated accordingly. That's pretty much what it boils down to.
Lots of hate for the pedaling crowd out there, which is too bad. Two wheelers should stick together against Evil Cagers. Oh wait; they're us too. C'est la vie. Nothing new there, and useful in any case to know some folks' mindsets, I suppose. As the old saying goes, "better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt".
With that I'll remind all to revisit post #1 and note the OP (who was there) knew exactly where the problem was in that situation. We'd do well to keep that in mind and all the other effluent in this thread in perspective.
How 'bout that heat?