Ok thanks so that's a statement on the WSBK website. Still not defined in the FIM book but OK. So the wings were obviously positioned on the works bike in some sort of calculated manner. This is traditionally done with the bike in race trim, with the rider in the wind tunnel. The airfoil sections are positioned (tuned) to the application so how does this translate to a general setting for a street bike? It doesn't and multiple people have answered this. The wings for the street were so installed to comply with the homologation. They are not tunnel tuned like the works bikes because they can't be. So in the end, they are a gimmick on a street bike. AndreiD If you really think that your particular skill sets warrant the addition of those wings on street bike then well damn, you sir are one ass kicking individual. Do you really think in any real world scenario that removing the wings off the R is going to be a measurable difference to anyone on this board? Its OK to just come out and say "F it, I like the way the wings look" there is nothing wrong with that. People like what they like but to defend it to the end that those wings are going to somehow translate into something tangible from a performance perspective on a street driven motorcycle is just not sane thinking. "yea but they add down force with speeds as low as 120kmh" Dude are you having stability issues with the bike you have now at 75 mph? If you are not, then well maybe you don't need wings. Care to guess at the number of accidents that would have been avoided with the addition of the wings from a stability perspective? zero and I'm just guessing that if the guys here who are racing Ducati's and are able to control the bikes on the track without wings that just maybe, having the wings on a street bike may not be needed.