For Sale Watch out for a scammer buyer. He may not use his forum name ZDMHAATW3LB001226 anymore

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Feb 9, 2016
Long Island
I should have followed my instincts when this guy approached me to buy a used Akra exhaust and never dealt with this guy Benjamin Ben Czajkowski. He didnt have one post or one comment on a post. But the one time I didnt listen to my gut I got scammed out of $3,014.50.

I finally convinced @Vicati to buy a Vandemon undertail for his 1299. But he said first he needs to sell his Akra underbelly full exhaust system that was on his 959. I offered to sell it since he doesnt things on the forum like I do. I listed the exhaust for $3000 with a sprint air filter. Vicati gave me pics of the exhaust which I posted. The price was negotiated a little lower than its original listing price. And I sold the guy an Upmap T800. Here is the for sale link SOLD! - Akrapovic Evolution full titanium underbelly exhaust. Fits 959, 1199, 1299 and V2

I sent the guy a paypal invoice. Described that it was used with some dings and the usual wear and tear of a used exhaust. I created a USPS able with $3000 insurance. Ben or Benjamin paid for the invoice May 14th 2021 and received it within 3 days from Texas. Around June 6th I get a text from Ben saying there is a hairline crack in the exhaust pipe that goes into the front cylinder and that 2 small pieces are about 1.5mm are chipped away from that same area of the tip of the exhaust pipe which slides into the cylinder. He also says that a small piece of carbon that I cant even see on the exhaust is hanging on like a piece of thread. Its as long and as thick as my middle finger. Ive never seen any piece of carbon like that on the Akra exhaust. I told him you had the exhaust since around May 17th and you only let me know about this now? I contact Vicati since I already paid him his money and used the remaining funds to order his Vandemon. He said it was find but even if there was a 1.5mm hairline crack it would cause any leaks and he ran the exhaust for a year with no issues. Vicati and I have a solid business relationship. He always pays me as friends and family or zelles me money and even just sends money. Then says buy me what you think is best Most of the time I send money back and tell him dont waste money.

Ben wasnt annoyed on the phone or even when we texted each other. He did say the box was sort of damaged. Although Vicati wrapped everything up in so much bubble wrap you could wrap a 7 year old kid in it. I proceed to tell Ben that when I paid for the shipping costs I also added $3000 worth of insurance. And told him to file a claim with USPS. If he wins the claim keep the $3000 and keep the exhaust. What do I care. He gets the exhaust and money, Vicati gets the Vandemon and I made money on the Vandemon.

Fast forward to the the 1st week of July and Ben calls me to tell me the claim was denied. I asked what was the reason. He said because he filed the claim past the date it was supposed to be filed. Im like you have 30 days. That cant be the reason And advised him to call and find out what going on. That was the last I heard from him. August 6th I get an email from paypal that he filed a charge back for "item not as described". When someone files that type of claim its hard to defend. So I send all the pics I had and communications I had with him as well as let paypal know he filed a claim with usps. But I didnt have any paperwork for that. On August 15th which was the final day to appeal I decided to contact the post office. Apparently his first claim was denied because he never showed up with the exhaust to show it was damaged. However he filed a 2nd claim that was under review. I called paypal to let them know but was told since I filed an appeal I couldnt add any other info. Furthermore he didnt pay for the exhaust using his debit card or bank account. He used paypal financial which is a 3rd party institution. Therefore paypal has no say. All they can do is send my info that I gave them.

By the 11th my account was in a negative $3014. On August 16th I called paypal again and explained the situation. I let them know he filed a claim twice with USPS. The 1st was denied but he 2nd is under review. I was told if he paid with a debit card or bank account they would have denied his claim. But because its a 3rd party institution paypal can only submit my defense and allowed me to email them the information the post office provided me with. On July 24th the case was found in his favor. I bet Synchrony bank never even contacted the post office to see that this dude filed two claims. So I called paypal and said what about my exhaust. They said since its through Synchrony bank they cant make him do anything. And last Thursday USPS found his claim to be valid So now this guy has the exhaust. Got paid $3000 from usps and got his money back from paypal while my account is in a negative. I reached out to him a few times to get the exhaust back. So did Vicati. This douche says stop bothering me or I will write a review which will destroy you and no one will buy from you. So remember the name I listed above and make sure not to sell him anything. Im sure he will be using a new forum name
Go pay him a visit, I woukd... come back with $6,000 and the exaust. A guy like that deserve fully what's coming to him.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
First of all that man is out of line he bought the exhaust from my 959 track/racebike its seen tracks days and street he was complaining because it had dents on the front header pipe and a hairline crack on the rear header pipe that curls under the seat that seats under akra heat shield which by the way the piece of the pipe with the small crack sits inside the header piece the bolts on to the motor and then its held together with akra springs, on top of that when metal gets hot it expands and it binds together thats how exhaust works, common ....... sense… but wait We put the exhaust SOLD AS IS and It came from a bike thats ridden!!! I took a bunch of high quality pics of them and even polished them, I even then installed them on my 1299s and had no leaks I then took them off because I decided to give vandemon a try their quality is good, so he can‘t say they leak plus before i took them off the 959 we Dyno the 959 at a buddys shop and bike pushed A healthy 150whp!!! From a 959 with those AKRA pipes!! I cant believe this has rolled all summer im pissed because Aaron is ....... straight up cant say anything bad about him because when it comes to bike parts for me and my buddies his there and not only that, but the Wealth of knowledge and customer support on how to install or tweak things is 2nd to none, im tired of hearing ........ about @cycler when he does it with passion and to support the sport more And on top I‘ve received everything ive ever order, yes ive had to wait but like no .... I know he cant control that, were still going through this Covid 19 Pandemic some of these high end exclusive parts come From other countries with different economies laws and rules and aren’t operating like we do in the United States, he is the one that decided to put insurance on the exhaust I thought it was a great idea but I stil going to make sure every pipe is bubble wrapped and in foam peanuts in a brand new box so that the pipes he bought from us for 3k come in one piece because when I got those I was sure as hell exited to get those so im going to make sure his experiance is positive, but yeah this man has fínesed us to the max with this ........, he claimed Last week in the beginning of the week he Was going to send me the exhaust back and I was going to sell and refund @cycler but have got no response nor nothing from the man, and now this makes sense I didn‘t Know USPS approve the ticket for him, no wonder man had 6k and a 5400 Akra system that he got for 3k but then ended up being free, this is ridiculous we got no buyers protection either because he paid with Synchrony bank so paypal can‘t do anything i know myself because I spoke to paypal my self I had to call because when Aaron aka @cycler told me that I complete was in disbelief, but he was right paypal can‘t do anything, so yeah beware of this SCAMMER. Also its common sense I’d you get used pipes their going to show sign of wear of use, their ....... pipes, I told him over the phone to throw them on the bike and refund the money, he then said he didn’t have the money that Aaron Has it, total bull .... I saw the acccount Aaron is correct Its negative -3300 and some bucks, and then he said his riding season in new yoRC or whatever is going to be over at the end of this month or mid and that he just wants to send them back And figure out an exhaust system for next riding season… lol then where is my exhaust or Aaron money. Man doesnt compare to the filth under my fat toe nail. I absolutely hate theives, we all work damn hard for our money and the way economy is going this hurts, and on top of that like really bro ? On the Ducati forum, on a bike part screwing other with the same hobby, you make and give riders a bad rep Ben. Should just sell your bike, you dont deserve to ride a Ducati…
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This guy is a dodgey effen c^$t. Anyone approached by him to buy something youre selling. Tell him to eff off

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
I'm pretty sure this is insurance fraud and violates USPS TOS.
File a complaint, sue and drag him to court. It's prob not the first time and nor it will be the last time.
Threatening to leave you bad reviews and destroy your company well thats another lawsuit.
Don't let him off bro.

Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Tapatalk
I'm pretty sure this is insurance fraud and violates USPS TOS.
File a complaint, sue and drag him to court. It's prob not the first time and nor it will be the last time.
Threatening to leave you bad reviews and destroy your company well thats another lawsuit.
Don't let him off bro.

Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Tapatalk
I was going to take him to small claims court. But I cant since doesnt live where I live. The court said I can file upstate where he lives in Rochester. Or can file a civil lawsuit against him. However that would be a real case and I would need to know court procedures as well as the law. Or I could hire an attorney. Tomorrow I am contacting USPS to let them know about this. Then let them handle it from there. Another forum member who buys from me suggested I call the police department up in Rochester and report this as fraud. I dont think they will really do anything. But who knows.

Today I called paypal. As soon as the computer operator said that my phone # was recognized I was sent to their collections department. And the first thing they said was. This line is being recorded and it is an attempt to collect a debt. I said there is no way I am paying $3014.00. Send me to collections. You will have sold off a debt that is fraudulent. After telling the paypal collections department I was not going to pay the amount due. I proceeded to explain the situation and asked him if he thinks this is fair. The guy said I only work in collections but it sounds like you can try to appeal the chargeback. I told him there is nothing in the resolution center that shows I can appeal the case. I was transferred to the appeals department. They said I have sells protection and I can file an appeal. So I said wait today Im told I have sellers protection and can file an appeal but last week I couldnt. Do you guys change the rules weekly? After locating the email I sent them from USPS she said yes you can file an appeal with us even if Synchrony bank awarded the chargeback to Mr. .......... I said that I still dont understand how last week I didnt have sellers protection because it went through a 3rd party as well the customer saying the item was not as described. Her response was well after reviewing the USPS documentation you sent you can file an appeal. At this point Im fuming. I asked her did paypal even look at this document? Did paypal even send this to Synchrony bank. She just responded sir you can appeal this case and have sellers protection. Please send an email to [email protected] and in the subject section write the case # and in the body write that you would like to appeal case # so and so. I respond with how do I know you guys will get it? It took you 10 mins to locate the original email I sent August 16th from USPS that I emailed you and was told paypal didnt have it at first. She responds with please send it and as soon as it appears I will see it and attach it to your August 16th email. I noted everything you said about the fraudulent chargeback as well the buyer filing a claim with USPS. I asked how long will it take for a decision to me made. She said 2 to 10 days but because I have sellers protection the outcome may be reversed. Im like what do you mean it may be reversed even though I have sellers protection. So she began giving this long ass explanation. Hopefully the chargeback is reversed.
After reading the ungodly run in sentences and never ending paragraph I’ve seen one glaring detail- the guy committed wire fraud. He has his item. He has a $3,000 refund from PayPal and a $3,000 usps refund. That’s textbook wire fraud. Contact your local police department or reach out to your local fbi field office and demand to file a report for fraud, interstate wire fraud, and theft just to start. Then, post his complete name and address as well as phone number here so people make certain not to deal with this lowlife scum.
After reading the ungodly run in sentences and never ending paragraph I’ve seen one glaring detail- the guy committed wire fraud. He has his item. He has a $3,000 refund from PayPal and a $3,000 usps refund. That’s textbook wire fraud. Contact your local police department or reach out to your local fbi field office and demand to file a report for fraud, interstate wire fraud, and theft just to start. Then, post his complete name and address as well as phone number here so people make certain not to deal with this lowlife scum.
Sorry about the run on sentences lol. Usually at night when Im working with my international customers for motorcycle parts as well as my other business I have a large glass of whiskey as well as a "gummy or two". And thats when I write a lot. When I write 2 or 3 paragraphs that are only 3 or 4 sentences then Im drinking water or ice tea.

I contacted paypal today to see the status of my appeal. I was told that that whoever told me that I could file an appeal was wrong as well as not having sellers protection. And that I run the risk of chargebacks every time I sell. Paypal said "they dont like charge backs" But due to him using a 3rd party financing company paypal cant due anything. I said but I never got my stuff back. She responded we are just a middle financer sending money and collecting. I said then youre responsible for this. Even though his credit card sided with him where is my protection against the fraud I provided you with. She said it states in the terms what sells protection paypal offers. I read through those terms 4 times and cant find anything that would not provide me with sells protection. Even on the invoice I sent after he paid it stated eligible for sellers protection. For the life of me I cant find anything that says I dont have sellers protection if it goes through a 3rd party. And paypal uses Synchrony bank to help finance purchases. So how arent they liable?

One forum member sent me PM and said Vicati and myself should gift him a 1099-misc for 3k. I will look into that. If the douche just sent Vicati back the exhaust Vicati would paypal me $3000. Regarding what you said @MdDuc about contacting my local PD. I live in Long Island and he lives up in Rochester. How would that even work? But I like your idea about contacting the FBI. Im wondering if contacting the Rochester PD would help.
So here is an update on this situation. Ok yes I sent the douche bag a quadruple glider bomb package. Best $35 ever spent. I wish I could have seen his reaction. So I got in touch with the post office last week. Even though his claim was approved they were supposed to send payment out this week. After sending them emails from paypal. Today I found out that the claim was now denied to do him filing a claim with paypal. USPS said they would look into this matter. But I dont think they will really put too much energy into this. So I am happy to report that he didnt get the money like I thought he would. In the last week 2 weeks I sent him text messages and emails saying I would take him to small claims court, even if I would have to go to Rochester. I sent him pics of the claims he made with the post office and said I would report him to USPS with proof showing he filed a claim with paypal and won as well as report him to the cops up there. I sent him a text and emails that Vicati and I would send him 1099's last week. I sent him texts and emails saying I would do whatever it took to get him into trouble or somehow make him pay financially even if it cost me time and money. At this point it was just the principle. @MdDuc I was just about to send him a message regarding what you wrote about contacting the FBI and reporting him for interstate fraud.

Then around 645pm today I get a phone call from @Vicati letting me know that the exhaust was overnighted back to him. So Vicati will now try to sell it or mount back on his 959 and sell the 959. But he asked me to wait a little bit to give him to sell it or sell it with him bike. I know @Vicati wont screw me even though we never met. The dude trusted me after making his first purchase from me paying as a purchase for a Cordona quickshifter. Then spending thousands paying me through Zelle. He trusts me with his money and I will trust him with my money.

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