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Here's an attached website/chart that shows the US Debt ceiling increases over the last 50 years or so. Notice who controlled congress or the Presidency and what happened to the Debt ceiling during their Tenure. The absolute WORST was under Biden, 2nd worse was under Obama, then Bush. Contrastingly, the last half of Slick Willy's presidency showed a marked decrease, but that is because the Republican Congress forced him to curb spending and kinda-sorta balance the budget, which continued for the first 2 years of Bush while they ramped up their multiple war campaigns.

I just so despise neo-cons.

Debt Ceiling
You’re blind. Even with the data you provided, Trump is the one that exploded the debt. Just look at the slopes of the lines. The orange turd was president in through Jan 20, 2021.

I love this. Who was president in 82 when it all started to go to s**t, saint reagan. By the reagan presidency the rich and powerful realized that the GI bill had ended up giving the middle class too much political power. That needed to be stopped and the march towards that started in the reagan whitehouse. The steady tax cuts for the rich and corporations began. The debt started to pile up. That stupid corn subsidy began with reagan which brought on the insidious use of high fructose corn syrup in everything and a generation later type 2 diabetes was rampant. Housing and education became increasingly expensive etc. and student loans became a big business. It's generally accepted that reagan was the first president to rob funds from social security (did you actually think it would be insolvent otherwise?). Debt continued to get bigger, rich got richer. Project 2025 is an attempt at the culmination of this. Take away social security, medicare, etc. Did anyone even notice that one of the first of Fat Donnie's EO's was to stop medicare's ability to negotiate drug prices?
Have you ever asked yourself which Programs contribute the most to the Debt? And which factors, outside of those 'Programs' also contribute?

Israel, alone, has absorbed over half a Trillion in 'aid' since 1960. Here's a chart of the 2023 Budget. Obviously the 'Social programs' from the DEMOCRATS (Roosevelt and Johnson) contribute significantly.


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I love this. Who was president in 82 when it all started to go to s**t, saint reagan. By the reagan presidency the rich and powerful realized that the GI bill had ended up giving the middle class too much political power. That needed to be stopped and the march towards that started in the reagan whitehouse. The steady tax cuts for the rich and corporations began. The debt started to pile up. That stupid corn subsidy began with reagan which brought on the insidious use of high fructose corn syrup in everything and a generation later type 2 diabetes was rampant. Housing and education became increasingly expensive etc. and student loans became a big business. It's generally accepted that reagan was the first president to rob funds from social security (did you actually think it would be insolvent otherwise?). Debt continued to get bigger, rich got richer. Project 2025 is an attempt at the culmination of this. Take away social security, medicare, etc. Did anyone even notice that one of the first of Fat Donnie's EO's was to stop medicare's ability to negotiate drug prices?
You have to remember, the BUDGET is written by CONGRESS, or Legislative branch. NOT the President or other Executive Branch entities. The President signs the budget, Congress makes it. The fault for our fiscal problems rests clearly on the Congress, and up until recently it's usually been run by the Democrats, with joint Executive/Legislative branch control by Democrats the majority of the time. It's only been when Republicans, even with Rinos in charge, have had partial or complete control of the Legislature that the budgets have been held even slightly in check, as evidenced during the last 4 years of Clinton and first two years of Bush. Just witness what the House, with Democrat help, did for the last budget resolution, allowing growth in programs rather than just shutting things down and holding the line against future profligate spending.

Reagans tax cuts, as well the ones forced on Clinton and Bush and Trumps first term, were put in place to grow the economy, theoretically growing the country out of it's Debt. But Congress, and the Liberals and neo cons, being greedy and foolish, out spent that Economic growth and established long-term programs that Trump is now KILLING with extreme prejudice. Which, being a Social Security and Military Pension recipient, I totally support and encourage.

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