Yesterday, I along with most of the civilized world witnessed what has to be the most humiliating, thuggish, inept and cowardly display by any American President and Vice President in American history. The longer I think about it, the madder I get. Literally, as the Ukrainian people are being murdered by subhuman Russians, the world watched America abandon all that it has stood for since its founding. When I think of the scarifies our forbearers have made, and now this betrayal of their sacrifices, I’m ashamed to be an American. On their best day, these two cowards wouldn’t last 5 minutes on the front lines in Ukraine. For these contemptible cowards to tell Ukraine they must give up, is reminiscent of Hitler telling the British that they had to surrender.
MAGA and Trump are to corrupt to honor or even understand the Belarus Accords which America signed in 1994. When the Soviet Union collapsed, America and the other European countries pledged to defend Ukraine against Russia, if they gave up their Nuclear weapons. Which Ukraine did. Ukraine doesn’t owe America anything. They already lived up to their end of the agreement. Now it’s our turn. Thirty years later MAGA and Trump come along, and they have no honor. Those of you who voted for these criminals are just as complicit in the Genocide being committed at this very moment against the Ukrainian people.
Go on, let me hear you rationalize this. Twist your lies and half truths so you can live with yourself. And when you’re done, actually read the Belarus Accords and tell the Ukrainian people that America won’t honor our commitment. Tell me that Russia would’ve still seized Crimea and invaded Ukraine if the Ukrainian’s had Nuclear weapons.