Which hole? At least it's in your head if it's not an extra new hole. You don't want any new holes. That's all.
Ya at first I thought, "wings, - fek - kind of über-race head-nerd 'I want to be CASEY STONER, look.'" But then you ride and there is just so much new stuff going on, it's impossible to single out elements as they are in concert in such a good way.
The chemistry of joy associations with red & wings & that smell & all those sounds & vibrations and all that.
I stop caring what others think and I strut with a spastically colorful helmet, silly boots and get on my ridiculously ostentatious motorcycle and ride away and don't care if it's too loud either. It's so fking awesome fun to ride.
Heroine addicts love needles, and cocaine addicts love straws the same way. It becomes associations that only a certain few can understand or sympathize with.
They'll call us "wing sympathizers" and they'll think it's an insult and we'll love it that they think it's an insult.
I don't really know about straw addicts, I made that up. Could be? But I know about wing addicts.
As I said its a matter of physics and subjectivity, if it works for you thats all thats important. I quite like the look of wings, they have grown on me and there is no doubt that thy do offer some benefit. Since I haven't experienced them let alone a side by side comparison in the same conditions I am talking out of a hole in my head!