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Here's an attached website/chart that shows the US Debt ceiling increases over the last 50 years or so. Notice who controlled congress or the Presidency and what happened to the Debt ceiling during their Tenure. The absolute WORST was under Biden, 2nd worse was under Obama, then Bush. Contrastingly, the last half of Slick Willy's presidency showed a marked decrease, but that is because the Republican Congress forced him to curb spending and kinda-sorta balance the budget, which continued for the first 2 years of Bush while they ramped up their multiple war campaigns.

I just so despise neo-cons.

Debt Ceiling
You’re blind. Even with the data you provided, Trump is the one that exploded the debt. Just look at the slopes of the lines. The orange turd was president in through Jan 20, 2021.

I love this. Who was president in 82 when it all started to go to s**t, saint reagan. By the reagan presidency the rich and powerful realized that the GI bill had ended up giving the middle class too much political power. That needed to be stopped and the march towards that started in the reagan whitehouse. The steady tax cuts for the rich and corporations began. The debt started to pile up. That stupid corn subsidy began with reagan which brought on the insidious use of high fructose corn syrup in everything and a generation later type 2 diabetes was rampant. Housing and education became increasingly expensive etc. and student loans became a big business. It's generally accepted that reagan was the first president to rob funds from social security (did you actually think it would be insolvent otherwise?). Debt continued to get bigger, rich got richer. Project 2025 is an attempt at the culmination of this. Take away social security, medicare, etc. Did anyone even notice that one of the first of Fat Donnie's EO's was to stop medicare's ability to negotiate drug prices?
Have you ever asked yourself which Programs contribute the most to the Debt? And which factors, outside of those 'Programs' also contribute?

Israel, alone, has absorbed over half a Trillion in 'aid' since 1960. Here's a chart of the 2023 Budget. Obviously the 'Social programs' from the DEMOCRATS (Roosevelt and Johnson) contribute significantly.


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    2023 Budget.png
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I love this. Who was president in 82 when it all started to go to s**t, saint reagan. By the reagan presidency the rich and powerful realized that the GI bill had ended up giving the middle class too much political power. That needed to be stopped and the march towards that started in the reagan whitehouse. The steady tax cuts for the rich and corporations began. The debt started to pile up. That stupid corn subsidy began with reagan which brought on the insidious use of high fructose corn syrup in everything and a generation later type 2 diabetes was rampant. Housing and education became increasingly expensive etc. and student loans became a big business. It's generally accepted that reagan was the first president to rob funds from social security (did you actually think it would be insolvent otherwise?). Debt continued to get bigger, rich got richer. Project 2025 is an attempt at the culmination of this. Take away social security, medicare, etc. Did anyone even notice that one of the first of Fat Donnie's EO's was to stop medicare's ability to negotiate drug prices?
You have to remember, the BUDGET is written by CONGRESS, or Legislative branch. NOT the President or other Executive Branch entities. The President signs the budget, Congress makes it. The fault for our fiscal problems rests clearly on the Congress, and up until recently it's usually been run by the Democrats, with joint Executive/Legislative branch control by Democrats the majority of the time. It's only been when Republicans, even with Rinos in charge, have had partial or complete control of the Legislature that the budgets have been held even slightly in check, as evidenced during the last 4 years of Clinton and first two years of Bush. Just witness what the House, with Democrat help, did for the last budget resolution, allowing growth in programs rather than just shutting things down and holding the line against future profligate spending.

Reagans tax cuts, as well the ones forced on Clinton and Bush and Trumps first term, were put in place to grow the economy, theoretically growing the country out of it's Debt. But Congress, and the Liberals and neo cons, being greedy and foolish, out spent that Economic growth and established long-term programs that Trump is now KILLING with extreme prejudice. Which, being a Social Security and Military Pension recipient, I totally support and encourage.
All the far right liberals are literally in terror reading the news everyday, like literally making backup plans to leave the country, and are in REAL emotional distress. I keep telling them to stop watching the news. Because a lot of what they are hearing is nothing burgers. Most of it’s just cultural war ........ that doesn’t actually affect 99.9999% of Americans. And all the bigger Executive Order are quietly getting blocked in the court system.

As for the far right wing nuts, I’m still waiting on a single executive order that’s going help not hurt the middle class…show me even one thing he’s done with all this movement that is something that’s going to help solve the #1 threat to our quality of life in the US, which is the growing wealth disparity between the 800 billionaires and everyone else that’s the direct cause of the financial squeeze on the middle class.

The far right blue collar America we’re stupid enough to vote in a billionaire that shunned the middle class his whole life, who appointed the richest man in the world to overhaul government, and they actually think they are going to do that in a way that closes the wealth gap between those those 800 billionaires and everybody else and that will stop the financial squeeze on the middle class that’s making those billionaires richer. It’s wages not rising as fast as costs, and the consolidation of all our industries into fewer and fewer very wealthy hands that is the biggest threat to our American way of life, and we voted in the billionaires that are profiting from it to ‘fix it! 😂😂😂

Billionaires that know exactly how to distract the masses on both sides of the political divide with provocative Executive Orders that rile up emotions but mean almost nothing to the average American’s quality of life while they quietly entrench the rigging of the system for those billionaires.

And the middle class deserves what they get, because they are too stupid and complacent to even spend 10 minutes looking past the media algorithms that are being used to distract them from their own financial well being while the American Dream being robbed from them.
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The Democratic Party messed up the last two cycles, because they became ruled by ideologues in the party elites that didn’t want to let the people decide who their candidate was going to be, instead the party chose FOR THEM based on which candidate was going to follow their extreme ideologue agenda.

The Republicans messed up because they put a bunch of billionaires that are profiting from the financial squeeze on the middle class to fix the financial squeeze on the middle class 😂😂😂

But at least the Republicans people (not the party elite) got to feel like THEY chose their candidate…which is why they won…they were just too stupid to realize they hired a career con-man who brilliantly conned them.

I doubt we will see either party when two terms in a row anytime soon, because until the financial squeeze on the middle class is fixed, whoever is in power will get voted out each cycle. And if that keeps happening much longer it’s going to end with the people rising up with pitchforks in the street….thats what’s happened throughout human history.
The Democratic Party messed up the last two cycles, because they became ruled by ideologues in the party elites that didn’t want to let the people decide who their candidate was going to be, instead the party chose FOR THEM based on which candidate was going to follow their extreme ideologue agenda.

The Republicans messed up because they put a bunch of billionaires that are profiting from the financial squeeze on the middle class to fix the financial squeeze on the middle class 😂😂😂

But at least the Republicans people (not the party elite) got to feel like THEY chose their candidate…which is why they won…they were just too stupid to realize they hired a career con-man who brilliantly conned them.

I doubt we will see either party when two terms in a row anytime soon, because until the financial squeeze on the middle class is fixed, whoever is in power will get voted out each cycle. And if that keeps happening much longer it’s going to end with the people rising up with pitchforks in the street….thats what’s happened throughout human history.
When it's no longer necessary or profitable to exploit the middle class (AI will ultimately make almost all of the middle classes intellect unnecessary and useless) why have a middle class. All the middle class will be doing then will be consuming increasingly scarce resources.
You have to remember, the BUDGET is written by CONGRESS, or Legislative branch. NOT the President or other Executive Branch entities. The President signs the budget, Congress makes it. The fault for our fiscal problems rests clearly on the Congress, and up until recently it's usually been run by the Democrats, with joint Executive/Legislative branch control by Democrats the majority of the time. It's only been when Republicans, even with Rinos in charge, have had partial or complete control of the Legislature that the budgets have been held even slightly in check, as evidenced during the last 4 years of Clinton and first two years of Bush. Just witness what the House, with Democrat help, did for the last budget resolution, allowing growth in programs rather than just shutting things down and holding the line against future profligate spending.

Reagans tax cuts, as well the ones forced on Clinton and Bush and Trumps first term, were put in place to grow the economy, theoretically growing the country out of it's Debt. But Congress, and the Liberals and neo cons, being greedy and foolish, out spent that Economic growth and established long-term programs that Trump is now KILLING with extreme prejudice. Which, being a Social Security and Military Pension recipient, I totally support and encourage.
From your avatar obviously you are part of the largest socialist organization that has ever existed, the US military. If you think a sociopathic billionaire and a bunch of 25 year olds are going to improve the government by just hacking stuff without understanding who is actually doing the work and is effective in any of those agencies is beyond moronic.
What is it with you and your strange obsession with AI?
What is it that you don't understand about the future effects of AI. Wake up. I spent the end of my career automating the production processes in a company that when I left was about $400 million annually (and when I walked in was about 12 million and losing some multiple of that). I consider one of the greatest blessings of that job was the growth was such that I never had to lay anybody off who didn't deserve it. Personnel requirements per unit produced was about 5% of what it was when I started. AI will eventually replace all of middle management, all the long haul truck drivers, all the programmers etc. Brave new world.
From your avatar obviously you are part of the largest socialist organization that has ever existed, the US military. If you think a sociopathic billionaire and a bunch of 25 year olds are going to improve the government by just hacking stuff without understanding who is actually doing the work and is effective in any of those agencies is beyond moronic.
Dude, I have not seen so many foolish statements in one short post in a LONG time. You get the official "I'm just a troll' award. nothing you said made any sense.
Capitalism is eating itself and AI is the capitalists wet dream come true. All those jobs replaced by AI means more profit, yay! But hang on all those people who used to earn a dollar are now unemployed or earning a lot less so they cant buy the crap the capitalist makes.... we have a problem! It's a race to the bottom so get yours while you can. When I was a kid they promised a future with 3 day working weeks, flying cars and plenty of leisure in a peaceful world that looked to the stars for inspiration. What they delivered was an ongoing GFC and a live streamed genocide cheered on by a bought and paid for media. This is the point where I get on my bike and push it hard enough to feel alive or as Walter says;

Capitalism is eating itself and AI is the capitalists wet dream come true. All those jobs replaced by AI means more profit, yay! But hang on all those people who used to earn a dollar are now unemployed or earning a lot less so they cant buy the crap the capitalist makes.... we have a problem! It's a race to the bottom so get yours while you can. When I was a kid they promised a future with 3 day working weeks, flying cars and plenty of leisure in a peaceful world that looked to the stars for inspiration. What they delivered was an ongoing GFC and a live streamed genocide cheered on by a bought and paid for media. This is the point where I get on my bike and push it hard enough to feel alive or as Walter says;

Wait .. you mean to tell us that you actually BELIEVED all that crap? BWAHAHAHAHAHHAAHH!!!!! 🤪😜🤪😜😆😅😅😅😂😂🤣🥲😂🤣😅


I'm still laughing myself silly over that one geesh... it never ceases to amaze me.
Kids trust adults, its only when you grow up that you realise most of politics is all about people enriching themselves and their tribe. Also the future was bright, technology was about making life better not enslavement to our technofeudal overlords.
What is it that you don't understand about the future effects of AI. Wake up. I spent the end of my career automating the production processes in a company that when I left was about $400 million annually (and when I walked in was about 12 million and losing some multiple of that). I consider one of the greatest blessings of that job was the growth was such that I never had to lay anybody off who didn't deserve it. Personnel requirements per unit produced was about 5% of what it was when I started. AI will eventually replace all of middle management, all the long haul truck drivers, all the programmers etc. Brave new world.

This is from the guy who thinks his Ducati has AI. Yeah, I'm the one who needs to wake up. 🤣

The beltdrives are bulletproof. They're lighter, gruntier, have better fuel economy and better range. They're less hot when your riding them. The valvetrains are easy to reshim and they don't have all the electronics to break. When you've only rode on bikes with AI (you saying it isn't AI doesn't change that it is) you end up lacking some pretty critical survival skills like the ability to catch high and lowsides.
Buy a bike with no electronics. You'll learn faster when your mistakes aren't being moderated by AI.

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