To which I replied that when I see a test where a heavier motorcycle with less claimed HP covered 1/4mile in a quicker fashion with higher top speed I start to suspecd Ducati is overdoing its claims comparing to its competition, to which you replied: habba habba hubba"¦infinite number of variables "¦And this is where I see you taking your stance.Your comparisons of competing manufacturer dyno numbers suggests an attempt to validate a hypothesis by identifying a significant discrepancy from the statistical norm. If, however, you believe Ducati is stating false numbers and also believe other manufacturers employ this tactic as well but cannot identify which ones, then you agree there is no established identifiable standard from which to base your claim and, as such, concede the very foundation of your claim does not hold up.
These are not my standards, but basic research standards and no, engine dynos are not the only way to draw a well-supported conclusion. I never made a claim that could be rendered pointless; rather, I merely stated that your claim is not only unsupported but, based on the data we do currently have access to, is probably also without merit.