2025 Panigale V4 Power curve estimates USA vs ROW (rest of world)

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Oct 27, 2013
Salem, Germany
As the official presentation of the 2025 Panigale V4 states that there is again a peak performance limit applied for the USA model vs the rest of the world.
I did some preliminary work to already show how this difference actually quantifies on a performance chart.

Here is a link to the official technical presentation of the new V4:

And here is the chart I compiled fo you to see the performance difference.

The US model basically caps the power after 12500 rpm. Of course it will be easy to apply the full ROW performance to all US models with an ECU reflash.
because you have a nasty state California

..and that is indeed a problem for the rest of the planet as well because ALL products cost more if sold in California. I’ll help you “refresh” that state’s government if you want to head it up.
..and that is indeed a problem for the rest of the planet as well because ALL products cost more if sold in California. I’ll help you “refresh” that state’s government if you want to head it up.

I missed Daniel's dyno post. Sorry but I can't resist a comment. I was born in California. I was in the valley working at IBM in south San Jose when the 4 and 8 bit computers showed up. Within 5 years the orchards (we used to drag race on a 2 lane called Montague which is now 10) in what is now called the golden triangle were gone. And then the big money came. I watched and lived with the destruction of what was one of the best places to live in the world (I learned to ride in the Santa Cruz mountains). I watched as it became too expensive to manufacture (I'm a manufacturing guy) there. And eventually I made enough money to get the f--k out. California suffers from stupidity that can only come from way too many morons with money. The money draws a lot of educated incompetents. Since they are basicly worthless they move into government seemingly primarily as regulators. Combined with the leeches that are always drawn into public offices they overregulate. And then overregulate some more. Make me king of California and I will drive them all into the sea.
can we say that a very linear curve is still a curve? Looks good.

It’s actually not a California thing, it’s an EPA Federal compliance issue and has to do with sound levels.

There is a weird sound volume testing model. It’s something like ‘the bike can’t be more than 83db from 50 feet away at a 45 degree angle when the bike is at 50% max RPM or throttle position of something like that. So different manufactures come at that in different ways.

It’s why the Fireblade is an on/off switch from 7k RPM to 8k RPM. Ducati went the route of nerfing the top end and reducing total power to fit within the sound regulation formulas.
It’s an EPA thing driven by California. More than a few of my motorsport friends have left that place. You know things are ridiculous when LEOs are smogging / forcing inspections on bone stock cars for being too loud. NYC not too far behind with their sound meter traffic cam ticketing systems.

And to be clear, I love California. Just simply hate your laws and regulations.
I missed Daniel's dyno post. Sorry but I can't resist a comment. I was born in California. I was in the valley working at IBM in south San Jose when the 4 and 8 bit computers showed up. Within 5 years the orchards (we used to drag race on a 2 lane called Montague which is now 10) in what is now called the golden triangle were gone. And then the big money came. I watched and lived with the destruction of what was one of the best places to live in the world (I learned to ride in the Santa Cruz mountains). I watched as it became too expensive to manufacture (I'm a manufacturing guy) there. And eventually I made enough money to get the f--k out. California suffers from stupidity that can only come from way too many morons with money. The money draws a lot of educated incompetents. Since they are basicly worthless they move into government seemingly primarily as regulators. Combined with the leeches that are always drawn into public offices they overregulate. And then overregulate some more. Make me king of California and I will drive them all into the sea.

It’s kinda like what I call ‘New Manager-itus”.

A New manager will come into a perfectly sound operation, that’s working great, and all they have to do is manage it, but because they are new they want to put their stamp on things to prove their worth out of a kind of insecurity…so they start changing things in a system that already works well, and then mess it up.

Years and years of electing Dems who believe that government should do something leads to each new politician adding another regulation so they can show their constituents a bill they put their name on.

California is an example of the left wing having too much power for too long…on the other side you have Oklahoma, a complete ........ of a state where you have right wing wing nuts with too much power for too long who believe government should do nothing except tell you what to do in your bedroom and in your churches and schools, that state is like a 3rd world country with almost no middle class, full of religious extremest where the few wealthy elites lead the rest of the state which is in poverty around by its religious extremist nose. If we didn’t have the US Constitution reigning things in Oklahoma would be a Christian version of Iran, it’s inching closer to that every year

Both states are arguments for staying in a nice healthy middle zone versus having one party dominate for too long.
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.... me, I just realize this is Duessen’s thread. We probably shouldn’t hijack it because he’s going to put up some useful stuff lol.

you're allowed a rant every now and then and If it was up to me I put all the born again greenies, latte lefties, woksters, concerned mothers and all their political hacks into a big sack and beat them with a stick until they came to their senses.
It’s kinda like what I call ‘New Manager-itus”.

A New manager will come into a perfectly sound operation, that’s working great, and all they have to do is manage it, but because they are new they want to put their stamp on things to prove their worth out of a kind of insecurity…so they start changing things in a system that already works well, and then mess it up.

Yep. It is the rare guy who recognizes that he has walked into something that has been carefully "tuned" for a decade and is smart enough to leave it alone. It is the nature of business all of which is primarily run by politically connected peter principled management where one or 2 of the management is doing all the work. That being said I really want to see a dyno run on the 2025 motor derestricted.
A New manager will come into a perfectly sound operation, that’s working great, and all they have to do is manage it, but because they are new they want to put their stamp on things to prove their worth out of a kind of insecurity…so they start changing things in a system that already works well, and then mess it up.

I’ve seen that enough times. It’s like a dog pissing on something because that makes it theirs…Don’t .... it up is a good rule to follow. It happens more often when companies employee graduates who don’t have enough experience to know that they don’t know much. Too often they think they are experts on a subject because they have read about it. We see this everywhere, including on this forum… it is somewhat like the people who know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.
I’ve seen that enough times. It’s like a dog pissing on something because that makes it theirs…Don’t .... it up is a good rule to follow. It happens more often when companies employee graduates who don’t have enough experience to know that they don’t know much. Too often they think they are experts on a subject because they have read about it. We see this everywhere, including on this forum… it is somewhat like the people who know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.

Companies that don’t employ people w enough experience? Experts on a subject? …Aren’t you washed up golf pro?

Modifying these bikes with extraneous poseur bits an example of manager-itis haha
Companies that don’t employ people w enough experience? Experts on a subject? …Aren’t you washed up golf pro?

Modifying these bikes with extraneous poseur bits an example of manager-itis haha

Putting yourself on a plateau pretending to be the fountain of knowledge on suspension with the back of a ... packet and a few crayons is very new managerish!
Does the three letter bit exist in Europe? You leave your successor three envelops with a note to open them in numerical order as each crisis hits. Envelop #1, Blame your predecessor, Envelope #2 Reorganize. Envelop #3 Prepare three envelopes.

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