So all in all a fun day, though a short one. I only did 4 sessions I think, maybe 5. I sorta spooked myself on the 2nd lap of my first session and never really felt like pushing much after that, so I just worked on form today at probably 75% of the speed potential.
I got surprised by how much differently the bike would turn and track the corner with just a few millimeters of difference in rear ride height and wheelbase length.
Turn 9 is a decreasing apex turn that’s really one continuous turn with the very high speed turn 8 sweeper….at my pace that means just using increased bike lean to reduce speed from 110 to about 90 and tighten the radius, took the same line I did all day last time at the track, at the same speeds where I was well within my comfort zone. But the bike didn’t hold the same line so I almost went off at lean and at probably 100 mph coming off the turn 9 apex. Went wide onto the straight. Had to make a micro-second decision to lean in more and try to stay on track or stand it up and try to go off cleanly. I leaned in and made it by the skin of my teeth, wheel half on half off the track, but held traction.
Spooked me though haha. So I just wasn’t ‘feeling’ going fast all day after that.
A side note, anyone change a front sprocket on a hot bike?

That was interesting with the chain and sprocket hot enough to give you a 2nd degree burn lol
Two pairs of needle nose players became my best friend, was like doing surgery lol