Chriss I met you briefly in person, you seem like a nice enough guy, and god knows we all gotta make a living in life, I don’t hold that against anybody.
But you mentioned you work in sales, I’m assuming you have some skin in the game with BT with both of you in the same part of the world and by how much you schill for them.
Again, I would never judge somebody for doing what they have to to take care of their family.
BUT…you gotta know that at this forum, too many of us have had REAL LIFE bad experiences with BT…and it’s not just the Ducati guys, other forums for other bike manufacturers are littered with similar stories about BT tunes being junk and messing up their bikes. They have an extremely bad rep across the motorcycle world with everyone who actually knows their bikes. i.e. not the noobs that believe their marketing pitch but have nothing to compare to.
There are better ways in life to make money in sales and marketing than selling snake oil brother. And make no mistake. The BT tunes are snake oil.
Don’t be a snake oil salesman. There are better ways to make a lot more money.