Can't say Pirelli vs Pirelli, but for reference I can say that a 190/55 Bridgestone S20 is 7mm smaller in diameter than the OEM 200/55 Supercorsa, which means 3.5mm in ride height new vs new. Does affect TC some, but it's still OK for street use. TC effect depends more on the front/rear diameter ratio than the actual tire size.
For example, I stuck a new Q3 on the front the other day since the S20 was shagged on the sides (and felt like it). The rear S20 had already been replaced and was relatively fresh, so I figured I'd leave it on for a bit before going to the new Q3 and see how the two got on together. Raised the rear ride height a smidge to compensate, but grip and handling wise the pair do fine together on the street. However, the Q3 front is larger in diameter than the S20 (or the Supercorsa), so with a half-worn S20 on back, the TC is now close to useless. Will either run it on 1 or off until I mount the new Q3 on back.
Geometry, handling and grip are fine with a 190 on back once you adjust for it; all that's really needed it a custom sensor ring on one end to sort out the TC/ABS effect. Some of the racing guys have had them done up so it's do-able. Might be worth looking into a batch job/group buy for interested parties...