DDA+ and GPS

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thank you again.
The instructions are pretty clear:
max 30 laps/max 4 sessions.
But maybe they are talking of the Nordschleife :)
It is a shame that you have to hack the system to get the minimum required things I need.
I hope they are reading this and fix the problems

I also wait for Thorny replies

Sorry gotta go for the MOTOGP ;-)
I am not able to upload the screenshot of the instructions
is too big and not time to resize it


I am not able to upload the screenshot of the instructions
is too big and not time to resize it

Use IMGUR.com with image added to your posts here as BBcode.

Check this thread


adding pictures is easy and works perfect for this forum

It is a shame that you have to hack the system to get the minimum required things I need.
I hope they are reading this and fix the problems

Not so sure if Ducati HQ is actively following this forum. They should though! :)

Since you're a native Italian, I would send them direct feedback in your language via [B][email protected][/B] . They do reply slow yet personally.

Only English understanding of this customer support dept in Bologna(?) is 'less than perfect'. Pretty sure if you try in Italian they respond better...
The instructions are pretty clear:
max 30 laps/max 4 sessions.

Which instructions? Where have you read this limitation for the 16MB stick?

These are the only info I can find concerning the stick (7) in the installation instructions of the DDA+ kit:

exactly there and in the V4R Italian Owner's Manual
there are some info.
If you give me your email,I could share with you the pictures...they are in Italian,thoug.
Is clearly stated 30 laps 4 sessions....but it doesn't say of which circuit.
Now a friend of mine is going to track it in the next days and 2e will see if the limitation is applying for a full track day
Email sent

Hi maestro,

Thanks! clear now.

I now know your reference and I understand why you read something else then I do in our V4 user-manuals:
contrary to the V4(S) manual(s), the V4R user-manual is explaining in much more details the functionality and limitations of "˜Sessions' and "˜Laps' for this V4R model!

Here you can download both to compare differences.

Since the V4(S) user-manual is much less descriptive and not stating this 'max 30laps/ 4 session' limitation, we will need to check in reality if this functionality looks/works the same on the V4(S) with a DDA's installed post-factory as an extra accessory.

Still, after reading the V4R user-manual, it's not clear to me if this 'max 30laps/ 4 session' limitation mentioned only in the V4R manual is applicable for the V4(S/R) its internal ECU memory and/or (even) the 16MB DDA USB stick.

I will hereby post these English snaps of this in your V4R manual clearly mentioned 'max 30laps/ 4 session' limitation, may be the other guys (e.g. Thorny or MTB) know for which (ECU/ DDA) memory it is applicable?


my idea is that the data are streaming uninterrupted from the OBD to the DDA port and the 16MB memory gets just that 16MB then is full.
My friend with the R will make some tests in the incoming days(maybe already the 3rd of September),and if I will be free,I'll test my aftermarket DDA as well the same day,
open OT
together with the new DTC EVO 2 ;-)
now I should find the instructions on how to mount the GPS antenna in front.
It appears that in the instructions given,there is only the installation under the seat.
I also need to put the DDA memory in a more accessible place
now I should find the instructions on how to mount the GPS antenna in front. It appears that in the instructions given,there is only the installation under the seat.

Correct. The instructions and supplied cabling in DDA+ kit 96580172B are indeed only for rear-mount.

Why would you want to go through the trouble of installing the GPS antenna upfront if required cabling is not present in the bike nor additionally supplied in the kit and LoS between front- and back mount is about the same, therefore no benefit to Satellite reception quality?

I also need to put the DDA memory in a more accessible place

Trackmaniak did this in a better more logical place under the seat.
I will try to do the same once I start using the DDA stick. Unscrewing the seat each time is indeed a pain in the @ss :confused:
The fact that the gps signal could be weakened by the fsirings and not being in DIRECT LoS,make me believe that the front is better.
For the DDA dongle,I have no tail storage on my race fairing.
Maybe I could try with a small door on a side.
The fact that the gps signal could be weakened by the fsirings and not being in DIRECT LoS,make me believe that the front is better.
For the DDA dongle,I have no tail storage on my race fairing.
Maybe I could try with a small door on a side.

If your fairings (back) or windshield (front!) covering the gps antenna are standard plastic (non-carbon/-metallic), it’s only your own body similarly shielding LoS in front- and back-mount and possible nearby magnetic fields interfering with satellite signal quality.
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... contrary to the V4(S) manual(s), the V4R user-manual is explaining in much more details the functionality and limitations of ‘Sessions' and ‘Laps' for this V4R model!

... Since the V4(S) user-manual is much less descriptive and not stating this 'max 30laps/ 4 session' limitation, we will need to check in reality if this functionality looks/works the same on the V4(S) with a DDA's installed post-factory as an extra accessory.

Checked the V4S-MY19 and V4-Speciale-MY19 user-manuals as well and both are not explaining DDA+, Sessions and Lap recording in same details as V4R (MY19 only) manual does.

Not even the Speciale manual which model, same as V4R, has DDA+ factory-installed! #factoryf@ckup
in the front the antenna is "exposed" to the sky,
in the back,it underneath the fiberglass fairing.
It seems better in front,to my knowledge
in the front the antenna is "exposed" to the sky,

antenna is still covered by transparent plexiglass V4 canopy? :)

in the back,it underneath the fiberglass fairing.

Here you stated you were tracking the V4 with a V4R fairing?
Is this an aftermarket non-Ducati fiberglass racefairing or the original plastic Ducati V4R fairing?

Either way, both fiberglass and plastic (same as plexiglass canopy) are non-blocking materials for largely unrestricted GPS Satellite reception. Unlike carbon and metal are restrictive, as previously stated.

...new DTC EVO 2...
I'm very interested in your EVO2 experience on track.
Too bad it costs almost Eur500 to have our V4(s) upgraded to this latest version.

Besides, I'm unsure if I will even benefit from this optimised 'EVO2' DTC mapping if my track racing level is already nowhere near the traction limits of the V4 with 'old' EVO1 DTC mapping? :p
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antenna is still covered by transparent plexiglass V4 canopy? :)

Here you stated you were tracking the V4 with a V4R fairing?
Is this an aftermarket non-Ducati fiberglass racefairing or the original plastic Ducati V4R fairing?

Either way, both fiberglass and plastic (same as plexiglass canopy) are non-blocking materials for largely unrestricted GPS Satellite reception. Unlike carbon and metal are restrictive, as previously stated.

I'm very interested in your EVO2 experience on track.
Too bad it costs 700+ to have our V4(s) upgraded to this latest version.

Besides, I'm unsure if I will even benefit from this optimised 'EVO2' DTC mapping if my track racing level is already nowhere near the limits of the V4 with 'old' EVO1 DTC mapping? :p

I go by step:

I race with an aftermarket fiberglass fairings that replicate the V4R fairings,included the the winglets,due to a better cooking(I am not a poser ;) )

It is correct what you say about the non blocking fiberglass.
It could be that I try both positions and see what works better.

For the EVO 2 it would be great that we all suggest Ducati to include 2 years of free updates on software,from the purchase(like it would be linked to the warranty).
I believe that they could do it,and it would be a PLUS on the marketing side.

Anyhow I will tell you how it is,from my point of view,on the track only thoug.

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