Ciao ragazzi,
I'm Marco, one of the SW developers that worked to the DDA Analysis software
Hi Marco,
Thank you. Clear answers and welcome to this active passionate forum.

We won't roast you since it's great the DDA Dev joins our discussion trying to make the overall DDA experience a better one!
May be together we can debug DDA faster and suggest a few functional improvements squeezing out the best possible from the current limited DDA hardware?
Especially your clarification about the since 2010(?!) unchanged 16MB limited "˜military grade' flash memory is by today's standards and V4 requirements (with nowadays much more data channels and higher sampling rates), very surprising to me!
i) Was Prosa even involved in V4 development at all?
i-a) And if so, why didn't the DDA specs grow with Ducati's latest tech level (V4) racers do require, e.g. like AiM and VBox are offering (
AiM link)
ii) Ducati sells the DDA for V4 as 'DDA+'. What is '+' about the V4 compatible DDA compared to the previous DDA versions then? No new functionality nor more memory. Then what was added compared to 1299 DDA?
iii) Really if DDA is currently very much memory limited, then why doesn't Prosa 'cherrypick' - with Ducati approval - only the for racing relevant data channels required for proper post-race analysis as 3rd party laptimer developers, AiM and VBox, are offering to us?
iii-a) For example, 'DST' does work if you zoom enough into details during analysis, but DST is an irrelevant data channel for racers. Especially if memory is a constraint then why not of water/oil temperature instead (as even advertised in Ducati DDA info)?
iii-b) Can you rename the Torque_Fast and Torque_slow channels to what they really are: DTC and DWC? Or indeed if DDA doesn't store data for both channels then please fix do them. Having not yet tracked the V4, I can't verify if they work.
May be
@ex04053 can?
iii-c) With approval of Ducati, can you add ABS, DSC, EBC channels to DDA channel recording so, like DTC and DWC, you can analyse when and how they were active at which datapoint on track?
iii-d) May be an option that we as racers can select ourselves which channels we want the DDA to store and DDA Graphic Analyser SW to present?
This way we can choose ourselves how much acquisition length we are willing to sacrifice for more/less data channels!
Back to my 1-2-3 list:
1 -
properly enhancing its supplied DDA Graphic Analyser Software:
refer to iii-abcd and and *I'm sure*
@1050er, @MotoX183, @Keith197 and @thorny have clear wishes working both with AiM and DDA side-by-side in their V4's
2 -
Easy integration and overlaying DDA+ data on DiY (GoPro) movie
Great if you could make an export option in DDA Analyser SW so we can import this DDA data back into Garmin VIRB Edit or GoPro Quick
3 -
logging all/more V4 datatypes
refer to 1 and iii. FYI Ducati doesn't listen, learn & adapt to the needs of us DDA 'racing' endusers. Too bad is it not?
Besides I believe Prosa-Danfoss, having the GPS Laptimer knowhow Ducati needs, should partner with Ducati and advice them pro-actively how to develop a kick-ass laptimer-analysis kit for V4.
Else real racers will leave/ won't even buy DDA and buy 3rd party like AiM or VBox instead.
4 -
wireless communication and integration of all V4 'DDA' data via DMS to app/Mac/PC
refer to 3, again
Prosa should partner, advice & lead Ducati to get the best out of DDA for their racing customers!
10 -
more Flash RAM
Even though this 'military grade' flash RAM is supposedly (still) expensive, 16MB is really INsufficient for reasons you mention yourselve and under i to iii
Also @MotoX183 has some wishes listed here:
Tx, Robert