Hello guys,
It has been awhile, but here is the current state of affairs.
From the two sensors ordered the second hand one arrived, and the new 'Ducati' one we are still waiting on.
The second hand one has undergone some modifications in order to help with the heat transfer from the engine. The cooling is done in order to achieve desirable behavior and avoid 'frying the sensor a third time.
So what we did:
We took a CPU cooling radiator, some high quality thermal paste to help with the heat transfer between the sensor and the radiator and we crafted two spacers in order to help with the heat not being transferred directly from the gearbox casing to the sensor.
Here is the finished bike improvement (mounted on the bike):
I just returned from a two-day track test with ambient temperature of 38 degrees Celsius (100 Fahrenheit). I am happy to announce that 300 miles later the sensor is still operational and works like a charm!
Also, there was no problem whatsoever with gear detection and indication.
I am not sure if all these precautionary actions are necessary in order to keep it functioning, but what I know is that traveling to a track-day and realizing you can't ride is very unwanted situation for everyone.
I hope this helps someone else too!
Thank you for all the help and community feedback guys. Stay safe!