Help needed - problem with gear position sensor and DQS (Ducati V4 2018)

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Hello guys,

It has been awhile, but here is the current state of affairs.

From the two sensors ordered the second hand one arrived, and the new 'Ducati' one we are still waiting on.

The second hand one has undergone some modifications in order to help with the heat transfer from the engine. The cooling is done in order to achieve desirable behavior and avoid 'frying the sensor a third time.

So what we did:
We took a CPU cooling radiator, some high quality thermal paste to help with the heat transfer between the sensor and the radiator and we crafted two spacers in order to help with the heat not being transferred directly from the gearbox casing to the sensor.

Here is the sensor with the thermal paste installed:

Here is the sensor with all the 'improvements':




Here is the finished bike improvement (mounted on the bike):

I just returned from a two-day track test with ambient temperature of 38 degrees Celsius (100 Fahrenheit). I am happy to announce that 300 miles later the sensor is still operational and works like a charm!

Also, there was no problem whatsoever with gear detection and indication.

I am not sure if all these precautionary actions are necessary in order to keep it functioning, but what I know is that traveling to a track-day and realizing you can't ride is very unwanted situation for everyone.

I hope this helps someone else too!

Thank you for all the help and community feedback guys. Stay safe!
Поздрави за постовете и съм сигурен че проблема вече не съществува. Не се учудвайте че повечето от хората които имат същият проблем ще продължават да сменяват GPS и ще продължават да разчитат на дилършипа да им реши проблема. Повечето от тях първо няма да прочетат целия пост и най вероятно ще пропуснат това как сте решили проблема. Това което сте направили е по силите на само много малък процент от аудиторията...повечето са абсолютно технически неграмотни...меко казано. Поздрави. Аз имам сходен проблем с моя 2014 899, който до колкото чета е по различен от този на V4. При мен само бърка N и 1 без последствията които вие описвате. Мисля че също е свързан със температура защото обикновено става след като мотора позагрее. Аз съм на втори сензор който след подняната на оригиналния изкара 3 години. Аз ще се опитам да изпълня процедурата за научаване за която има бюлетин от Дукати за 899, 1199 и 1299 моделите и ако не стане тогава ще го сменя но ще търся и причината. Благодаря още веднъж за куража.
Hi All: I had the new GPS kit installed second week of November. I now have three track sessions with the new sensor and the shifting has been perfect; no failures to report. This kit was under warranty for me. It was made up of the following components:

Part No. Qty. Description
75840951A 2 CLAMP

Hope this gets everyone back on the road!
So I have had my new sensor out in which seems to be working no problem in the garage. Can’t ride it yet.

My question is I thought there was some sort of a dock to sit behind it but it is flush up against the engine.

Does anyone know about this dock?

Pic of new sensor

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What is CR200? The recall notice number?

Also yours and mine are different part numbers from the pics and look slightly different. My number is the same as Jeosbor1 and yours is the same as keet.

I’m on a base 18. What are you on?

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Base 2020. I think the 18/19 bikes were not affected but the 2020 models were having all sorts of problems

maybe you need to pickup the R fairings and the GPS air conveyer to help keep components from melting
My base 18 didn't even pop up for the recall. I made the switch to R fairings and bought the recall conduit anyways. Haven't had any problems for the first 12k miles, would like to keep it that way.
12k miles in 3ish years pretty good. I was thinking late last night that I’ll probably still have my V4 in a decade even if it has 80k miles on it. Love this bike
12k miles in 3ish years pretty good. I was thinking late last night that I’ll probably still have my V4 in a decade even if it has 80k miles on it. Love this bike

Most of those miles were the first year I had it, rode the .... out of it. Was on an operational submarine for most of 2019 so I didn't get to ride much at all. Spent most of 2020 in my garage getting prepped for this year's track season. Was pretty funny picking up the bike and calling 2 days later to schedule my 600 mile service. Their response was, "What the hell dude, already!? We haven't even been trained on it yet," which led to a multi-hour service as they used my bike to train the shop.
I always beg them to “teach me the way” when I bring my bike in. They always invite me to watch but I usually end up going out for food
I hit 621 after just a few rides, less than a week
Shifter was intermittent sometimes, lock me out of certain gears. All better now tho, I’m approaching 3k miles. It’s tough cause the v4 stays in Florida and I spend most of the year in Philly.

what’s up with the submarine? That’s pretty neat!
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So I have had my new sensor out in which seems to be working no problem in the garage. Can’t ride it yet.

My question is I thought there was some sort of a dock to sit behind it but it is flush up against the engine.

Does anyone know about this dock?

Pic of new sensor

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No need to replace the Novotechnic sensor, you need to replace the Hirschmann sensor

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This was the latest replacement so is the update but I still heard there was a dock that spaced it out?

Anyone know about the dock or was I tripping???

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Yeah that’s in my head too. Maybe it’s all part of the new GPS or maybe it’s a Mandela Effect and the dock/riser is not part of this new timeline

or if u look at my post... perhaps the Italians had them use some old washers they had laying around the shop

It’s weird we both have new sensors but the parts are different.

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I just found this thread and was looking for any updates. My friend has a 2018 V4 that had the gear change indicator go to a dash and his quick shifter stopped functioning. The code reader from the ecu showed DTC/DWC Gear error. I’m guessing that means the gear position sensor has failed.

The part number on his sensor is 55243521A. It is made by Novotechnik

I’m seeing a new part number in online parts diagrams of 55243522A.

I’m reading on this forum that some of you got part number 55244421A???

Can anyone shed some light on which one of these sensors should be the newest improved sensor that I should buy for this 2018 V4?


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