i got the final design for the scotts damper mount. and fired up the old printer. the only thing thats different on the print is the total height,, i cut it short to not waste filament. i really only wanted to check the size and see the shape of it in my hand and on the triple. also go the license plate light in so now i need to go to the metal shop and find a suitable chunk of aluminum. also i will make a pdf print of the sketch to use a s a template for drilling the holes.
it looks like i scaled the pic just about right, cad software makes that easy. im also going to be making a mount incase i want to mount a phone holder or gps or something along those lines. you never know. good to have options, i will also have to adjust the angles at the rear of the mount..where the arm will be swingin from side to side so theres no interference in the range of motion of the damper arm
the anchor just in front of the ignition cylinder you guys can see has a slightly different angle to it than the flat surface of the upper triple.
but it will not be a problem because of the way the arm on the damper is connected to the anchor. when i get that made and the damper installed it will become clear. but most of you probly already know what im talkin bout. im also going to have to machine some spacers so the two fasteners will hold the anchor down securely without being loose or have slop. and the ignition cover will have to be cut up a little

it looks like i scaled the pic just about right, cad software makes that easy. im also going to be making a mount incase i want to mount a phone holder or gps or something along those lines. you never know. good to have options, i will also have to adjust the angles at the rear of the mount..where the arm will be swingin from side to side so theres no interference in the range of motion of the damper arm

the anchor just in front of the ignition cylinder you guys can see has a slightly different angle to it than the flat surface of the upper triple.
but it will not be a problem because of the way the arm on the damper is connected to the anchor. when i get that made and the damper installed it will become clear. but most of you probly already know what im talkin bout. im also going to have to machine some spacers so the two fasteners will hold the anchor down securely without being loose or have slop. and the ignition cover will have to be cut up a little