Not sure if I should get this 1199 race bike

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Yes. You have got that straight. I have a brand new Panigale and did just that. And I can assure you, nothing is cheap on my bike.

You have got it all wrong. Aftermarket does not = cheap. You do realize that more times than not, aftermarket stuff is BETTER than OEM, right? Most of the time stock = cheap.

While Ducati is better than some other manufacturers when it comes to skimping out on parts, the OEMs look for ways to cut costs whenever they can. That is why they have their own OEM variant of tires. Look at the end of almost all sportbike tires and you will see a letter like "BT-018f" or "Supercorsa SP" or something like that. Those extra letters denote the OEM variant, which aren't as good as the same ones you get aftermarket.

As a matter of fact, as soon as my 1299S came out of the crate, before it was going to be on the track, they removed the OEM rearsets, levers, battery, exhaust, chain, sprockets, clip-ons, grips, air filter and fairing stay and swapped them for aftermarket because aftermarket is better. Not to mention changing lots of bolts, all the fluids etc.

On other bikes in addition to that stuff I changed on the 1299S, I will also change the wheels, rotors, brake pads and brake lines, Master Cylinder, subframe, clutch, rear shock, fork internals, Triples and damper. Not to mention extensive motor work.

For some reason you have this idea that OEM is good and aftermarket is cheap. Your way of thinking is backwards. Ducati parts are expensive because they ....... rip everyone off with this "exotic premium". But I can assure you, they are not better. Expensive doesn't = better.

Take a chill pill and calm down :D You are missing my point and fixating on OEM vs Aftermarket

I never said that aftermarket is cheap.. I stated that I would not put cheap Chinese body work etc. on a $30K bike.
We are talking about two different things,, You have obviously built yourself a track bike right? Sounds like a nice one.. Lots of money spent (Even "motor work" whatever that is) Maybe you have the money to spend to basically change out everything on the bike .. Most people don't. Especially if they are riding the bike on the street also..
Just my opinion but If someone did all that to a street bike just to ride it on the street then in my opinion THAT person is either an idiot or is simply a poser willing to spend all that money just to have a show bike and they will never really use it for what it is set up for.. ) That is because you are never going to get your moneys worth out of it because there is NO place you will be able to ride the bike on public roads to get even close to traveling the speeds it takes to utilize all that extra money spent
There is simply no rational for all that aftermarket crap you added on the street "unless you simply just want to show off"
So I am assume you are on the track with it and you have the skills to push the bike to the point that you actually need all the extra crap you put on it.

Only on the track is it possible to really utilize all the aftermarket racing/track end stuff you added.

Of course, if you ever need to trade it in for another bike at a dealer, you will find out that they will not give you one dime more for all the high end aftermaket "race" stuff you have on it.. The dealer simply will not care and actually would rather have a stock bike to resell.. If you have the bike safety wired (you do if your racing or doing trackdays on it right?) then they will detract more money since it is hard to sell a race bike to the general public.

Of course you might get a little more from an individual sale however the loan value ( the loan amount that the bank will base the loan for the prospective buyer on your bike) does NOT go up because you rebuilt it with all the Race stuff. Generally outside a sport bike nut like us LOL No one cares about all the extra stuff... Therefore finding someone with the cash money is a little harder if you are trying to recoup all that extra money you spent..
That is just plain dollars and sense..

As far as replacement stuff, let me ask you... Where can you get exact replacement body panels with the correct Ducati emblems etc. already painted in and that is made from the SAME material and have the EXACT same fit at a cheaper cost? I looked and I could not find any.... ? Hell, I cannot even find an aftermarket company that makes replacement windshields for the 1299 yet? (No the 1199 windshield will not fit) the 1299 has a different bolt pattern due to different body work..
I know it is expensive but my bike is correct.. and will attract a lot more buyers than your race prepped bike when it come time to sell..
Of course it you crash it hard then it could be totaled anyway and you can just try to scrap what is left and sell it on E Bay..
That is the risk we all take on the track..
You built what you wanted nothing wrong with that,, If you have the money that is great. Not everyone has the need for all that extra crap.. You now have more invested than probably what it costs to have bought a new 1199 R.. and contrary to what you might think .... The factory spends millions of dollars of R&D working out the suspension etc. and they have a little more experience than you probably do in building a fast bike.. I have a friend that spent almost $20K on his ZX10r and it ran and handled worse than it did when it was bone stock.... Just because you throw a lot of money in aftermarket stuff at a bike does not necessarily make it better unless you really know what you are doing.
*Changing triple clamps etc WILL affect your steering geometry and handling Not always for the better... Do you know how and what the effect will be on the handling of your bike now that you have added stuff?
Do you know more about it than the factory engineers that have spent years designing bikes..?
Why did you feel the need to put all this stuff on your bike when it was brand new and you hadn't even ridden it on a track yet LOL. :p
There is of course always a compromise when you are a manufacturer and you have to design a bike that handles well for many different people and be competitive to sell however it is hard to improve on what the new bikes have nowadays for the average guy. I have tweaked my suspension and added new O'hlins shocks etc. on my other track bikes (after riding them for a while and deciding what I needed to change) but I never attempted to alter the steering geometry like you have.. Good luck in your endeavors.:cool:
If someone did all that to a street bike just to ride it on the street then in my opinion THAT person is either an idiot or is simply a poser willing to spend all that money just to have a show bike and they will never really use it for what it is set up for.. )

That is because you are never going to get your moneys worth out of it because there is NO place you will be able to ride the bike on public roads to get even close to traveling the speeds it takes to utilize all that extra money spent
There is simply no rational for all that aftermarket crap you added on the street "unless you simply just want to show off"
So I am assume you are on the track with it and you have the skills to push the bike to the point that you actually need all the extra crap you put on it.

Only on the track is it possible to really utilize all the aftermarket racing/track end stuff you added.

Of course, if you ever need to trade it in for another bike at a dealer, you will find out that they will not give you one dime more for all the high end aftermaket "race" stuff you have on it.. The dealer simply will not care and actually would rather have a stock bike to resell.. If you have the bike safety wired (you do if your racing or doing trackdays on it right?) then they will detract more money since it is hard to sell a race bike to the general public.

Of course you might get a little more from an individual sale however the loan value ( the loan amount that the bank will base the loan for the prospective buyer on your bike) does NOT go up because you rebuilt it with all the Race stuff. Generally outside a sport bike nut like us LOL No one cares about all the extra stuff... Therefore finding someone with the cash money is a little harder if you are trying to recoup all that extra money you spent..
That is just plain dollars and sense..

As far as replacement stuff, let me ask you... Where can you get exact replacement body panels with the correct Ducati emblems etc. already painted in and that is made from the SAME material and have the EXACT same fit at a cheaper cost? I looked and I could not find any.... ? Hell, I cannot even find an aftermarket company that makes replacement windshields for the 1299 yet? (No the 1199 windshield will not fit) the 1299 has a different bolt pattern due to different body work..

I know it is expensive but my bike is correct.. and will attract a lot more buyers than your race prepped bike when it come time to sell..

Of course it you crash it hard then it could be totaled anyway and you can just try to scrap what is left and sell it on E Bay..

You built what you wanted nothing wrong with that,, If you have the money that is great. Not everyone has the need for all that extra crap.. You now have more invested than probably what it costs to have bought a new 1199 R.. and contrary to what you might think .... The factory spends millions of dollars of R&D working out the suspension etc. and they have a little more experience than you probably do in building a fast bike.. I have a friend that spent almost $20K on his ZX10r and it ran and handled worse than it did when it was bone stock.... Just because you throw a lot of money in aftermarket stuff at a bike does not necessarily make it better unless you really know what you are doing.

*Changing triple clamps etc WILL affect your steering geometry and handling Not always for the better... Do you know how and what the effect will be on the handling of your bike now that you have added stuff?

Do you know more about it than the factory engineers that have spent years designing bikes..?

Why did you feel the need to put all this stuff on your bike when it was brand new and you hadn't even ridden it on a track yet LOL.

Wow. I dont even know where to start. You do realize I am not new to this stuff, right? I have owned almost 20 different bikes, prepped and resold alot of them. I am fully aware of what aftermarket parts does (or doesnt do) to the value of the bike.

You have no idea what my bike will be worth or who will be attracted to it. And as an FYI - I kept all of those OEM parts. So if/when i decide to get rid of my bike, i can remove the "extra crap" and return it to stock, with parts that are BRAND NEW...and it will likely be worth more than yours. ;)

And this thread is about track bikes. My bike will never see public roads in my hands. I don't care about where anyone can get EXACT Ducati body panels with the decals and .... already on them. My OEM bodywork was removed as soon as the bike came out of the crate.

I am SO glad you told me that changing Triple clamps will affect the geometry. I had no idea. I usually just change them because i like the differnet colors.

And did you really just go with the "the factory engineers spent years developing" comment. Just for future reference, if you plan on starting any type of debate on parts, equipment, tires or anything else...and the basis of your arguement is "well, the factory engineers spent time....", just stop. Seriously, don't. Because that is some of the silliest .... and reasoning that anyone can come up with, on any forum. When somebody starts their arguement than that, people just laugh. That comment/reasoning just SCREAMS inexperience. So i am trying to do you a favor when i say just don't.

Why did i change all of the parts and install that "extra crap" before i had ridden it yet? Because i have been coaching and racing for 8 years, with lots of podiums and wins to my credit, and i am fully aware of what goes into making a bike fast, safe, light and crash worthy on the track. Just because the engineers "spent lots of time developing" something, that doesnt mean it is the best equipment/parts to use in racing applications. The engineers are worried about putting out a bike that fits and is useful to as much of the general public as possible, as cheap as possible, to increase profit margin.

And by the way, i don't have as much tied up into my bike as you might think and none of those parts were installed for street riding or posing. Sponsors covered a portion of the cost of the bike as whole, almost all of those parts and they also covered the stock-to-race bike converstion/build project (which was done by shop that has been building professional race bikes for years).

Yes, the bike is good out of the crate. But it is not race ready. And we/they know what it takes to get the bike race ready. If they didnt think that stuff was necessary, they wouldnt have wasted their money on all of that "extra crap".

From your posts, it is becoming very obvious that you are inexperienced and don't know very much about bikes, parts, racing bikes or racing. At least that is what i take from your comments and questions. There is nothing wrong with that, everybody has to start somewhere. But until you do gain some experience, i would refrain from making as many ridiculous claims and questioning the motives/decisions of those who do happen to know a little bit about this stuff. :)
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Take a chill pill and calm down :D You are missing my point and fixating on OEM vs Aftermarket

I never said that aftermarket is cheap.. I stated that I would not put cheap Chinese body work etc. on a $30K bike.
We are talking about two different things,, You have obviously built yourself a track bike right? Sounds like a nice one.. Lots of money spent (Even "motor work" whatever that is) Maybe you have the money to spend to basically change out everything on the bike .. Most people don't. Especially if they are riding the bike on the street also..
Just my opinion but If someone did all that to a street bike just to ride it on the street then in my opinion THAT person is either an idiot or is simply a poser willing to spend all that money just to have a show bike and they will never really use it for what it is set up for.. ) That is because you are never going to get your moneys worth out of it because there is NO place you will be able to ride the bike on public roads to get even close to traveling the speeds it takes to utilize all that extra money spent
There is simply no rational for all that aftermarket crap you added on the street "unless you simply just want to show off"
So I am assume you are on the track with it and you have the skills to push the bike to the point that you actually need all the extra crap you put on it.

Only on the track is it possible to really utilize all the aftermarket racing/track end stuff you added.

Of course, if you ever need to trade it in for another bike at a dealer, you will find out that they will not give you one dime more for all the high end aftermaket "race" stuff you have on it.. The dealer simply will not care and actually would rather have a stock bike to resell.. If you have the bike safety wired (you do if your racing or doing trackdays on it right?) then they will detract more money since it is hard to sell a race bike to the general public.

Of course you might get a little more from an individual sale however the loan value ( the loan amount that the bank will base the loan for the prospective buyer on your bike) does NOT go up because you rebuilt it with all the Race stuff. Generally outside a sport bike nut like us LOL No one cares about all the extra stuff... Therefore finding someone with the cash money is a little harder if you are trying to recoup all that extra money you spent..
That is just plain dollars and sense..

As far as replacement stuff, let me ask you... Where can you get exact replacement body panels with the correct Ducati emblems etc. already painted in and that is made from the SAME material and have the EXACT same fit at a cheaper cost? I looked and I could not find any.... ? Hell, I cannot even find an aftermarket company that makes replacement windshields for the 1299 yet? (No the 1199 windshield will not fit) the 1299 has a different bolt pattern due to different body work..
I know it is expensive but my bike is correct.. and will attract a lot more buyers than your race prepped bike when it come time to sell..
Of course it you crash it hard then it could be totaled anyway and you can just try to scrap what is left and sell it on E Bay..
That is the risk we all take on the track..
You built what you wanted nothing wrong with that,, If you have the money that is great. Not everyone has the need for all that extra crap.. You now have more invested than probably what it costs to have bought a new 1199 R.. and contrary to what you might think .... The factory spends millions of dollars of R&D working out the suspension etc. and they have a little more experience than you probably do in building a fast bike.. I have a friend that spent almost $20K on his ZX10r and it ran and handled worse than it did when it was bone stock.... Just because you throw a lot of money in aftermarket stuff at a bike does not necessarily make it better unless you really know what you are doing.
*Changing triple clamps etc WILL affect your steering geometry and handling Not always for the better... Do you know how and what the effect will be on the handling of your bike now that you have added stuff?
Do you know more about it than the factory engineers that have spent years designing bikes..?
Why did you feel the need to put all this stuff on your bike when it was brand new and you hadn't even ridden it on a track yet LOL. :p
There is of course always a compromise when you are a manufacturer and you have to design a bike that handles well for many different people and be competitive to sell however it is hard to improve on what the new bikes have nowadays for the average guy. I have tweaked my suspension and added new O'hlins shocks etc. on my other track bikes (after riding them for a while and deciding what I needed to change) but I never attempted to alter the steering geometry like you have.. Good luck in your endeavors.:cool:

you have zero idea what you are talking about
And by the way, i don't have as much tied up into my bike as you might think and none of those parts were installed for street riding or posing. Sponsors covered a portion of the cost of the bike as whole, almost all of those parts and they also covered the stock-to-race bike converstion/build project (which was done by shop that has been building professional race bikes for years).

Right, I was wondering about your previous post. Now it makes sense.
For us not so fortunate and have to fork out every bit we buy from our own pocket, that's where cheap stuff happens out of necessity.
Hence my $99 rearsets instead of $600 dp rearsets, stripped-to-the-black-plastic crashed taillight instead of dp taillight replacement block, homemade mirror block offs instead of dp ones, $5 allu go pro mount instead of ram, $2 allu hairspray bottle for catch can, and plastidip white race number background instead of professional painted ones, etc.
But yeah, there are some things you definitely don't want to cross the lines for : braking, driveline, engine, tyres, suspensions.
There are companies that make street versions of their race bodywork.

And i know lots of people who put on race bodywork, then when it is time to ride on the street they mount a round LED headlight somewhere in the front. Ive seen guys on the street on their race bikes (number plates and all), with a little light mounted on top of the fairing beside the windscreen.

And that's the thing Chris, I'm not a racer. I'm lucky enought to be able to afford pretty much what I want as a road bike, but not enough to own a fleet, and I'm not a racer, so going completely to town on stripping the bike ot the minimum ain't gonna happen.

I enjoy riding my stuff on the road and at the track. Have no pretensions about collecting trophies, yet am now "finally" running in the fastest group at track days. I dont feel the need to worry about all of this, yet there are plenty of folk who get so preoccupied, that its more important than actually just getting out and riding.

If I could turn back the clock 15 years, then maybe I would have a go at competing and my overview would be hugely different, but alas I can't, so I'm a biker who plays on the track, and not a racer who plays on the road. I'm sure there is a little irony in your comment above, as real race guys would have very little reason to declare it on the street. In fact the majority of them wouldnt even bother with street riding at all.

Love the OP track bike suggestion. Would be a dream for me to be able to run that on top of my street bikes. Maybe one day...........
Right, I was wondering about your previous post. Now it makes sense.
For us not so fortunate and have to fork out every bit we buy from our own pocket, that's where cheap stuff happens out of necessity.
Hence my $99 rearsets instead of $600 dp rearsets, stripped-to-the-black-plastic crashed taillight instead of dp taillight replacement block, homemade mirror block offs instead of dp ones, $5 allu go pro mount instead of ram, $2 allu hairspray bottle for catch can, and plastidip white race number background instead of professional painted ones, etc.
But yeah, there are some things you definitely don't want to cross the lines for : braking, driveline, engine, tyres, suspensions.

Each individual has to do what they have to do. But for the record, sponsors do not cover anything that goes on my street bikes...that is all me. And I still don't use Chinese eBay parts.

And the stuff you mentioned, even if that part failed it wouldn't hurt anything. So it doesn't really matter (aside from the part about supporting the quality vendors that support our sport).

But I would have to draw the line at rearsets. Taillight, mirror block offs, sure. But I would use the OEM rearsets before I used some cheap eBay ones.
And that's the thing Chris, I'm not a racer. I'm lucky enought to be able to afford pretty much what I want as a road bike, but not enough to own a fleet, and I'm not a racer, so going completely to town on stripping the bike ot the minimum ain't gonna happen.

I enjoy riding my stuff on the road and at the track. Have no pretensions about collecting trophies, yet am now "finally" running in the fastest group at track days. I dont feel the need to worry about all of this, yet there are plenty of folk who get so preoccupied, that its more important than actually just getting out and riding.

If I could turn back the clock 15 years, then maybe I would have a go at competing and my overview would be hugely different, but alas I can't, so I'm a biker who plays on the track, and not a racer who plays on the road. I'm sure there is a little irony in your comment above, as real race guys would have very little reason to declare it on the street. In fact the majority of them wouldnt even bother with street riding at all.

Love the OP track bike suggestion. Would be a dream for me to be able to run that on top of my street bikes. Maybe one day...........

And there is nothing wrong with that. My comments weren't directed at you. This thread is about track/race bikes, not street bikes or dual purpose bikes.
Well Chaotic Evidently you are the bonified expert I all things.. You really put me in my place LOL Hmm.. I must have hit a nerve LOL
Here is a excerpt form the guys ORIGINAL topic...

"The 899 sort of suits me, and an 1199 like this might be too much for me after a long time away. plus hard to sell later on if I wanted. Also, the 899 has only 1500kms on it, and I have warranty should it go wrong.
The 899 cost me 24k in Australia, plus 4 k in Bitubo gear which comes to the price now being asked for the 1199 give or take a small amount.

I believe he was wondering if it was a good decision for HIM to go to the full race version 1199 since he does some track days....He does state he is concerned about RESALE of the bike and evidently he is also concerned about the advantage of a warranty left on his current bike..
And since you did not make it clear to everyone else on this site that has posted before that you get sponsors etc to pay for your stuff since you are such a big track day /racer guy, it seems a little one sided for you to be telling this guy or me for that matter how much stuff you have added to your bike and how it is just OK to add a bunch of stuff to it when you didn't even address his question or purpose for considering a change in bikes in the first place...... He was also concerned about whether it would be too much bike for him to handle since he has been away from riding for a while..Remember? Not everyone has the money or resources you do.. Personally I am tired of getting in a pissing match with you over what you or I think is right for the guy to do or the original issue of what I think versus what you think is ok to put on a bike.. Remember your fist response was about adding "Aftermarket stuff.... I was talking about the cost to fix a Panigale back to original condition to ride on the street and the fact that when I have that much investment I had decided to keep the bike original and not go with Chinese stuff..
.. YOU got off on the whole race body versus original body BS.with a laundry list of all your stuff you put on your bike like tires, triple clamps wheels etc..You basically change the whole bike..
I was simply telling the guy that it is an expensive proposition to replace stuff on the Panigale if it goes down...I was talking about what I DID on MY bike and the cost.. You came back with how much cheaper you can get aftermarket stuff versus the OEM stuff and said I was silly for buying the stock stuff..
Well How about people that are not Johnny Bad Ass racers like you that actually want to keep their bike looking like it came from the factory? You still didn't tell me where I can get aftermarket stuff that is as good as the original body work for the street.... All you talk about is modifying you bike for the track.. Not even the same subject.. Aftermarket versus OEM? The guy has a 899 with some good suspension mods already and a warranty left on it.. He is concerned about trade in or resale value, He is also concerned about whether it would be too much bike for him since he is just coming back to riding ..

OK you have proved to everyone on the forum how "experienced" you are and how much stuff you have on your bike.. Very impressive.. You obviously get your panties in a wad if anyone comes back and doesn't agree with you. I guess you will come back with more BS I really don't give a ...... You don't impress me..

You really put me in my place


Life goes on.

As far as your other comments, nowhere did I say anybody can get OEM type bodywork with all of the decals and .... cheaper than from the dealer. Once again, we are talking about track bikes, like the bike in the OP. I never claimed to know of such a place, nor do I give a .... about such a place. I don't know why you keep talking about that.

Nowhere, in any of my posts, did I tell you or anyone else to install Chinese stuff on their bike. You keep associated aftermarket with cheap or Chinese, and that isn't the case.

And FYI - I have only recently gotten this level of support. I have prepped about 6-7 race bikes, completely on my own dime, and there wasn't a single Chinese eBay part used on any of them. I have seen too many failures (and subsequent crashes) from those parts, and I believe in supporting the vendors that support our sport and our riders. Even if it meant i had to save for longer and it took longer to complete the build, it was important to me that I used high quality parts from reputable vendors. But that is a decision each individual has to make on his own.

I don't care who agrees with me, and I can assure you that I don't give a .... about impressing you. I am simply offering up alternative viewpoints or options for how one can address their bike/needs. It is up to you (read: anybody) to decide what to do with your bike.

I never said I was some "billy bad ass racer". I study, train, do dirt bike schools and I am learning every day just like everyone else. For example, because of this thread I learned that changing the Triples will alter the geometry. Thanks for that. Your lack of experience and immaturity becomes more obvious to everyone with every post. But everybody has to start and learn from somewhere. Best of luck to you.
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I'm done.


Life goes on.

As far as your other comments, nowhere did I say anybody can get OEM type bodywork with all of the decals and .... cheaper than from the dealer. Once again, we are talking about track bikes, like the bike in the OP. I never claimed to know of such a place, nor do I give a .... about such a place. I don't know why you keep talking about that.

Nowhere, in any of my posts, did I tell you or anyone else to install Chinese stuff on their bike. You keep associated aftermarket with cheap or Chinese, and that isn't the case.

And FYI - I have only recently gotten this level of support. I have prepped about 6-7 race bikes, completely on my own dime, and there wasn't a single Chinese eBay part used on any of them. I have seen too many failures (and subsequent crashes) from those parts, and I believe in supporting the vendors that support our sport and our riders. Even if it meant i had to save for longer and it took longer to complete the build, it was important to me that I used high quality parts from reputable vendors. But that is a decision each individual has to make on his own.

I don't care who agrees with me, and I can assure you that I don't give a .... about impressing you. I am simply offering up alternative viewpoints or options for how one can address their bike/needs. It is up to you (read: anybody) to decide what to do with your bike.

I never said I was some "billy bad ass racer". I study, train, do dirt bike schools and I am learning every day just like everyone else. For example, because of this thread I learned that changing the Triples will alter the geometry. Thanks for that. Your lack of experience and immaturity becomes more obvious to everyone with every post. But everybody has to start and learn from somewhere. Best of luck to you.

From this moment forth you will forever be know as "BILLY BAD ASS RACER"
Back to the topic for the OP, if you have the chance to get a full-on built race bike to tool around on, go for it! It won't matter how fast you're going on it, it's the sensation you get from knowing what you're riding that is the most satisfying. Like riding the D16RR on the track, it might not be the fastest lap time but the sensation you get while riding it is unbeatable. I can enjoy just about any bike on the track, but the couple of "REAL" race bike's I've had were always the ones that put the big smile on my face even if I wasn't setting the lap record.
Go for the 1199 and call it a day. Money invested into the bike your already ahead and you have a stronger platform to grow with. At the end of the day you still control how fast or slow you go!
Well Chaotic Evidently you are the bonified expert I all things.. You really put me in my place LOL Hmm.. I must have hit a nerve LOL
Here is a excerpt form the guys ORIGINAL topic...

"The 899 sort of suits me, and an 1199 like this might be too much for me after a long time away. plus hard to sell later on if I wanted. Also, the 899 has only 1500kms on it, and I have warranty should it go wrong.
The 899 cost me 24k in Australia, plus 4 k in Bitubo gear which comes to the price now being asked for the 1199 give or take a small amount.

I believe he was wondering if it was a good decision for HIM to go to the full race version 1199 since he does some track days....He does state he is concerned about RESALE of the bike and evidently he is also concerned about the advantage of a warranty left on his current bike..
And since you did not make it clear to everyone else on this site that has posted before that you get sponsors etc to pay for your stuff since you are such a big track day /racer guy, it seems a little one sided for you to be telling this guy or me for that matter how much stuff you have added to your bike and how it is just OK to add a bunch of stuff to it when you didn't even address his question or purpose for considering a change in bikes in the first place...... He was also concerned about whether it would be too much bike for him to handle since he has been away from riding for a while..Remember? Not everyone has the money or resources you do.. Personally I am tired of getting in a pissing match with you over what you or I think is right for the guy to do or the original issue of what I think versus what you think is ok to put on a bike.. Remember your fist response was about adding "Aftermarket stuff.... I was talking about the cost to fix a Panigale back to original condition to ride on the street and the fact that when I have that much investment I had decided to keep the bike original and not go with Chinese stuff..
.. YOU got off on the whole race body versus original body BS.with a laundry list of all your stuff you put on your bike like tires, triple clamps wheels etc..You basically change the whole bike..
I was simply telling the guy that it is an expensive proposition to replace stuff on the Panigale if it goes down...I was talking about what I DID on MY bike and the cost.. You came back with how much cheaper you can get aftermarket stuff versus the OEM stuff and said I was silly for buying the stock stuff..
Well How about people that are not Johnny Bad Ass racers like you that actually want to keep their bike looking like it came from the factory? You still didn't tell me where I can get aftermarket stuff that is as good as the original body work for the street.... All you talk about is modifying you bike for the track.. Not even the same subject.. Aftermarket versus OEM? The guy has a 899 with some good suspension mods already and a warranty left on it.. He is concerned about trade in or resale value, He is also concerned about whether it would be too much bike for him since he is just coming back to riding ..

OK you have proved to everyone on the forum how "experienced" you are and how much stuff you have on your bike.. Very impressive.. You obviously get your panties in a wad if anyone comes back and doesn't agree with you. I guess you will come back with more BS I really don't give a ...... You don't impress me..


Oh dear, I do a few night shifts and this topic took on a whole new life!
But your correct, I was wondering if the race bike would be sensible swap for my new 899. After some thought, some comments on this topic that I read, talked it over again with my wife, I decided to keep the 899 with the new suspension in it (which is ready to be picked up actually) and run it for the next 12 months.
After which, I will look again at the track only option, and there will always be an ex race bike to be had. I will keep my 899 as it is, and if I drop it then I will buy aftermarket fairing which are about 1k all up. I am not too concerned and this is not my first Ducati, and I did smash the 996! Also had an engine rebuild on it too. So I get it, but my original question was more the cost of what might go wrong on the race bike with Ducati Corse electronics etc. Those costs might just blow out, and make me regret giving up the 899 which has warranty. I mean if the engine was to blow up from track days and some road riding, then it is covered. If the 1199 race bike engine was a little sensitive after having work done, then perhaps it might be more prone to sending pieces of metal across the track. These were my concerns. But for now I will keep the 899, see how it performs on the track with the Bitubo cartridges and rear shock, steering damper and of course I changed the foot pegs. I need to buy a trailer for it now, so cant add any other mods without my wife taking me to task.
So for the time being, I will spend some time sorting this bike with its improvements



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