Yes. You have got that straight. I have a brand new Panigale and did just that. And I can assure you, nothing is cheap on my bike.
You have got it all wrong. Aftermarket does not = cheap. You do realize that more times than not, aftermarket stuff is BETTER than OEM, right? Most of the time stock = cheap.
While Ducati is better than some other manufacturers when it comes to skimping out on parts, the OEMs look for ways to cut costs whenever they can. That is why they have their own OEM variant of tires. Look at the end of almost all sportbike tires and you will see a letter like "BT-018f" or "Supercorsa SP" or something like that. Those extra letters denote the OEM variant, which aren't as good as the same ones you get aftermarket.
As a matter of fact, as soon as my 1299S came out of the crate, before it was going to be on the track, they removed the OEM rearsets, levers, battery, exhaust, chain, sprockets, clip-ons, grips, air filter and fairing stay and swapped them for aftermarket because aftermarket is better. Not to mention changing lots of bolts, all the fluids etc.
On other bikes in addition to that stuff I changed on the 1299S, I will also change the wheels, rotors, brake pads and brake lines, Master Cylinder, subframe, clutch, rear shock, fork internals, Triples and damper. Not to mention extensive motor work.
For some reason you have this idea that OEM is good and aftermarket is cheap. Your way of thinking is backwards. Ducati parts are expensive because they ....... rip everyone off with this "exotic premium". But I can assure you, they are not better. Expensive doesn't = better.
Take a chill pill and calm down
I never said that aftermarket is cheap.. I stated that I would not put cheap Chinese body work etc. on a $30K bike.
We are talking about two different things,, You have obviously built yourself a track bike right? Sounds like a nice one.. Lots of money spent (Even "motor work" whatever that is) Maybe you have the money to spend to basically change out everything on the bike .. Most people don't. Especially if they are riding the bike on the street also..
Just my opinion but If someone did all that to a street bike just to ride it on the street then in my opinion THAT person is either an idiot or is simply a poser willing to spend all that money just to have a show bike and they will never really use it for what it is set up for.. ) That is because you are never going to get your moneys worth out of it because there is NO place you will be able to ride the bike on public roads to get even close to traveling the speeds it takes to utilize all that extra money spent
There is simply no rational for all that aftermarket crap you added on the street "unless you simply just want to show off"
So I am assume you are on the track with it and you have the skills to push the bike to the point that you actually need all the extra crap you put on it.
Only on the track is it possible to really utilize all the aftermarket racing/track end stuff you added.
Of course, if you ever need to trade it in for another bike at a dealer, you will find out that they will not give you one dime more for all the high end aftermaket "race" stuff you have on it.. The dealer simply will not care and actually would rather have a stock bike to resell.. If you have the bike safety wired (you do if your racing or doing trackdays on it right?) then they will detract more money since it is hard to sell a race bike to the general public.
Of course you might get a little more from an individual sale however the loan value ( the loan amount that the bank will base the loan for the prospective buyer on your bike) does NOT go up because you rebuilt it with all the Race stuff. Generally outside a sport bike nut like us LOL No one cares about all the extra stuff... Therefore finding someone with the cash money is a little harder if you are trying to recoup all that extra money you spent..
That is just plain dollars and sense..
As far as replacement stuff, let me ask you... Where can you get exact replacement body panels with the correct Ducati emblems etc. already painted in and that is made from the SAME material and have the EXACT same fit at a cheaper cost? I looked and I could not find any.... ? Hell, I cannot even find an aftermarket company that makes replacement windshields for the 1299 yet? (No the 1199 windshield will not fit) the 1299 has a different bolt pattern due to different body work..
I know it is expensive but my bike is correct.. and will attract a lot more buyers than your race prepped bike when it come time to sell..
Of course it you crash it hard then it could be totaled anyway and you can just try to scrap what is left and sell it on E Bay..
That is the risk we all take on the track..
You built what you wanted nothing wrong with that,, If you have the money that is great. Not everyone has the need for all that extra crap.. You now have more invested than probably what it costs to have bought a new 1199 R.. and contrary to what you might think .... The factory spends millions of dollars of R&D working out the suspension etc. and they have a little more experience than you probably do in building a fast bike.. I have a friend that spent almost $20K on his ZX10r and it ran and handled worse than it did when it was bone stock.... Just because you throw a lot of money in aftermarket stuff at a bike does not necessarily make it better unless you really know what you are doing.
*Changing triple clamps etc WILL affect your steering geometry and handling Not always for the better... Do you know how and what the effect will be on the handling of your bike now that you have added stuff?
Do you know more about it than the factory engineers that have spent years designing bikes..?
Why did you feel the need to put all this stuff on your bike when it was brand new and you hadn't even ridden it on a track yet LOL.
There is of course always a compromise when you are a manufacturer and you have to design a bike that handles well for many different people and be competitive to sell however it is hard to improve on what the new bikes have nowadays for the average guy. I have tweaked my suspension and added new O'hlins shocks etc. on my other track bikes (after riding them for a while and deciding what I needed to change) but I never attempted to alter the steering geometry like you have.. Good luck in your endeavors.