These things obviously smoke from new.
I had a chuckle to my self when i took delivery of mine out of the second shipment.
From what we had seen previously on the forums i knew to expect some smoke
During the hand over, the dealer started it up the first time for me, and he made comment about the amount of smoke it was puffing out. I said yes it's commonly reported. He was surprised to hear of it. (mine was the first he had sold)
Anyway he switched it off for a while and showed some of the dash functions, He started it up again and it was blowing more smoke than before
I said quit while there is still some oil left in it i want to be able to get home
At the first 1000 Km service i estimate that it used 100-150ML of oil. With no top ups. This is not unrealistic with the factory fill 10w-40.
It now has about 5000 Kms on it now (4000 Kms more) and i would say it's used about another 100-125ML of oil so far. With no top ups and running with 20w-50.
Seeing as it's trending down it's all good
One can't ask for more than that.
It will still smoke more if i shut it off after it hasn't warmed up then restart it.
After it's warmed up, there's hardly anything to see.
Just out of curiosity i have made a few enquiries about what DUCATI would tolerate regarding an acceptable level of oil consumption before they deem it to be at problem levels. Naturally all manufacturers have a tolerance.
The consensus is it may be in the order of 250 ML or more per 1000 Kms.
The key thing is that after you achieve oil control and oil consumption has stabilized, it should not change all that much until the engine is warn out.
It must be accepted that all engines use some oil, the important thing is that they are not "using too much". And no 2 engines are exactly the same.
I look forward to finding out what mine settles down to.
It must be remembered this engine has an extra oil scavenging pump to help with control of the oil that gets thrown around/displaced in the crankcase.
It is an indication of how extreme the conditions are in the crankcase, and it would not be unrealistic to expect this engine design to use more oil than one would normally be accustomed to as a natural characteristic.
Anyway DUCATI are addressing the issue by issuing a different/modified oil ring, so they're on to it.
I'm currently happy with the way mine is
It seems that is the way of it with the 1199, if you shut it off after a brief time running before it's fully warmed up, it will blow more smoke out.
It's just a characteristic.
Get used to it.