Some others experience w these 15 mm offset bars which confirmed for me that it wasn’t doable w the stock lines
At least I know it’s not me then. I had another go today and also adjusted the banjos - it was just about ok on the brake side but there was no way to do it on the clutch side.
It’s ‘funny’ how they sell the bars as being made specifically for these bikes but they don’t work with OEM lines... the joy of aftermarket stuff.
It’s either longer lines or standard offset and so I think I’ll get some Spider clip-ons that are more front-mounted with the same offset as OEM. I believe they should work fine.
Rambling update…
I’ll fit the new front brake master cylinder (and Jetprime stuff) when I have clip-ons that will work with OEM lines and I’ll just use the stock setup to start with. It will be interesting to try the stock one on track to have a proper comparison. On the plus side, turning the banjo a bit allowed me to turn the lever down a lot more and it’s in the perfect position for me now.
I checked coolant today after it had come back from it’s first service - pretty much nothing in the reserve and quite far down the neck in the radiator… I guess they skipped the part of the service where they are supposed to check the coolant… You can’t trust dealers to do anything. I’m sure the R runs hotter than the SP2 and I think I’ll need to make sure I check levels very regularly. The oil level seems to be ok, although it’s right at the top line. I’ll check that again tomorrow.
V02 tyres fitted to my wheels - now I get to see if I can get the back wheel off… I’ll try calibration in the paddock (first track event starting on Friday - 3 days at Most and the forecast looks dry with reasonable temperatures - hopefully the forecast is accurate).
Front and rear lights removed and blanks fitted (no error messages or warnings, although the old DP fairings came with a plug for the brake light so I fitted it - not sure if it’s necessary)). The front lights was a 5-minute job that took me a lot more than 5 minutes.
Made a start on getting the fairings on - satin carbon looks rather lovely. White ‘Ducati Corse’ stickers on the bellypan and nothing else - super stealth mode.
Working on this bike is a pain in the arse. It’s good to do it, to know it’s been done right (probably) and learn my way around the bike but

Interesting and mildly satisfying but it’s not really my idea of a good time.