He did good for a rookie on a stock bike. Leslie Porterfield hit 200 on a Fireblade but hell she was duct taped up and lots of practice and that is a record for female production bikes.
The salt was crap this year. The bub event we cant even run.
All we got to do was some testing this year, 340mph at half throttle on a shake down test run.
with good salt 11 miles and no wind and 400 will be broken without raising an eyebrow. Its a long process to advance the record holding at 394 for fastest pass on motorcycles. 376 average. For the last 4 years no advancements have been made due to weather and or mechanical issues. Mostly weather.
Desalvo was laughable, the bub7 a joke. Sam Wheelers new bike is 300 mph bike that has been pushed to 350 ish but way to much new tech has been pumped into it so it has no real reliability, and the bike is a tinker toy, god forbid anything wrongs happens and that bike will not hold together. You could not pay me to drive it. Everyone who has gone for the record has crashed trying.
A lot of factors go in to this and traction always sucks and the elevation limits speed as well. The fastest bike doesn't get the rear will sticking until over 300mph at the top of third.
The good thing is if you have an off your chance for survival is great.