Always fun to see Ozzies and Kiwis ragging each other...I love both places.... Although to live I would choose NZ... HAHA...Derail???![]()
Or derail even more"¦
Just got home from a ride and on my way back passed a older guy in a hawaiian shirt on a 90'ish Goldwing (Or something similar, they all are the same at that point)"¦As I approach the light He is flashing the hell out of his brights behind me and changing lanes to my lane"¦Of course my first thought is "what the .... broke now" and "I wonder how much oil I am leaking""¦Or some variant"¦He pulls up next to me with this sly look and says "I was just playing with you, thought I was the cops huh""¦For a second I thought about just closing my visor and not even replying. Instead I say "wow, you got me" and try to ignore him"¦THEN the weird ...... says "Most people underestimate this thing, its got 1800cc's in it, its pretty quick""¦I say "wow, I am sure I am no match for it, but doesn't it weigh like fifteen hundred pounds""¦He doesn't get the joke and then the lunatic says "we'll see""¦"¦I mean, seriously"¦.he did"¦.So the light changes and this guy proceeds to dump the clutch and launch this ....... land yacht"¦.I eventually catch up to him as I am just riding by and honk my horn and wave"¦.
This reinforces my believe that the VAST majority of the public is completely insane, and lives in an altered universe in their brain, and should be medicated or have frontal section lobotomies.